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love letter

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I think i love this girl and i have wrote her a letter telling her how i feel, i would like someone read it so i know if its to over the top.



[sIZE=3]I like you, I like you a lot, I bet you know that and I know that you don’t want to hear this but I want to say it. I have wanted to say this for a long time, you have been on my mind and I have been thinking about this for awhile. I guess I do things for you or give you things so that you would maybe think about me a little more. I have never met anyone like you and I know I will never meet any one like you again, I will do anything to be with you. I know the night we spent together didn’t mean anything to you but it meant the world to me, and I can’t forget about it, I wish I could but I can’t. Please don’t think I am an idiot for doing this this way, but it’s the only way I know how to do it. I know the moment you read this you will never want to talk to me again, and that’s fine, I understand, it is weird and I don’t know how I would react to it either, but I would know that it came from the heart, and the person that gave it to me thinks the world of me and really thinks about me for more then a crush, maybe even love.

I guess the only reason that I thought you had feelings for me is because you came on to me, and I know that you were drunk when you did it, and I believe that you do the things that you have wanted to do when you have been drinking. I have never had that happen to me so I thought it was special, and you really did like me more then a friend, and I guess you thought that you wanted to do it so that you could get over Matt. Please don’t hate me, please don’t walk away from me because I have never done this before. I hope you understand that I have never felt this way about anyone like this before. You are beautiful, fun to be around, great sense of humor, and great in all ways. I know you have a past and problems that you go through everyday, like your anxiety attacks, but I don’t care about that, I care about the future and how I can get you into mine, I know you have always wanted to be a princess and given the chance I would treat you like one.

I put a necklace in here as part of the gift, I know its weird but it has meaning, the day I took you to Calgary, the day after you had a fight with the roommates, you drew a heart inside a sun on the window of my truck, the weird thing was I haven’t washed that window because I never want to forget it and you. I don’t want to hear from you, I don’t want a txt message or a phone call till you are ready to talk in person, when you are ready I want you to look me in the eye and tell me what you think. I know this is a lot to think about and you probably have a lot going on in your life so I don’t expect a response soon, so I am not going to say anything or do anything, I am going to just wait for you to come to me. Please don’t do it at work, and do not bring up the gift at work because no one knows about it, I hope you keep the gift. I know this is a lot to drop on you, and I apologies for that, and the way I have acted around you, but you must understand that I have been going through a lot in the past few months because I have had this on my mind wondering what you are going to do or say. I don’t want this to end bad but I am getting the feeling that it will.

“Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat, I wonder if you know, my love, that my heart is at your feet, I leave it there for you to do whatever that you wish, you could take my heart, and love me, or just leave me in this bliss.”

p.s. If this is too weird to work with me don’t worry, or quit, I will leave at the end of the summer, never to be seen again. And I know you don’t believe me but I do think I love you, and its true that I will do anything for you, you were the best thing in my life. Plus if you ever thought I was mad at you, I wasn’t, I was mad at my self for thinking about you as much as I have.

Please tell me what you thnk of the letter, i do think i love her and i will do anything for her, if you are mondering, this is for her birthday and i had my mom make her a quilt, i have posted about her alot but after i do this and give her this in about a couple weeks i think iam going to have to quit my job. Please help me.[/sIZE]

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Sorry but I think you're coming across as too desperate here. Believe me, I've done things like this and I've had friends who have done it and it's never worked out the way you hope. I sympathise with you because I know being in love sucks sometimes. I think you should keep this letter to yourself - don't send it to her or you will lose her forever. The best thing you can do is be her friend, let her know you're there for her and keep your fingers crossed but don't put all your hopes for the future on her shoulders. That would be selfish and unfair. The worst that can happen is that you'll always have a good friend.

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Give her the quilt... wish her a Happy Birthday, kiss on the cheek... AND THAT'S IT.


Never go spillin' your guts like that if you're UNSURE of a response. A letter like that, is like droppin' a 500lb plate on her head... *ton of pressure*


If you wanna know how she feels... let her come to you when she's ready. Don't pressure her for explain your feelings. If you've told her how you felt in the past, then leave it at that.

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letters are evil!! seriously...


I know from personal experience that love letters aren't the way to go these days. I once wrote a letter to a girl I had strong feelings for, and I spilled my heart out in words... I gave it to her on valentines day with some flowers... I figured that if she didn't feel the same way I did, then at least we'd still be friends... I was wrong, she stopped talking to me for a while and began avoiding me. She told a friend of mine that she was scared of me... and I don't blame her, what I wrote was pretty strong, and it would easily be considered as 'borderline stalker' stuff... I don't have those feelings for her and we're friends again, but its not the same as it was before... nor will it ever be.


its a good letter and all...and i'll have to say that it is a bit over the top. But in the end, words are just words... you can't just write a letter and expect her to feel the same way, it doesn't work that way. No amount of words or gifts will ever make anyone fall in love with you... all you can really do is what Quinch said and just be the best friend you can be for her... maybe one day she'll see that you're what she's looking for.

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