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ex legionary, Bf cheated on me twice

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My first time here, thanks for your comments I really need.


I met him when I was 3 and he was 5 years old. Ever since we've liked each other. He ended up hight school studies and listed at the Legionaries (I hope I won't hurt anyone). He was there for 4 years and then decided he wanted to back off and strive towards a family. He came back then, we met again and have now been couple for 3 years (I am 25, he's 27 now).


There is no one on this world i would trust more than I do on him. I always knew I could leave him in the middle of a room with thousands of naked women and he still wouldn't cheat on me, not even with his eyes or thoughts.


Last year I found out he was trying to catch the attention of his friend's fiancee. This girl was an Australian my bf did like a lot. He started flirting at her and sort of dating her without my knowledge. When I found out I did not get angry, I just said "cool". But then he started to be more evident about her, and also started to treat me really really really bad, like shouting at me, being unpolite to me, being rude to me and even yelling at me. I knew it was because of her, I was his obstruction on the path so after I cried crystal tears when he was yelling at me, I got the courage and dumped him.


I never loved someone like I did love him, never!, he was so perfect! ...was.


Then time went on and I told him we would not be couple until he reformed himself. He agreed. We have kept seeing each other, kissing each other, just like a normal couple, but not a formal one. 6 months have passed and he did it again.


He started treating me very bad again, coincidently I found out he was dating another girl he met at the internet. I just found it out today. I swear I wouldn't ever think about him doing that to me... his education, his moral..... They are a couple now, I think. The slut e-mails him telling she wants sex and everything. He seems to like that a lot, and he actually told me so when I found out.


My friends say he is not my bf anymore so he can get a gf whenever he wants.


We are so attached, I have a 4 year old kid, I sleep over at his place, we are almost like a married couple.


What did I do wrong? I still love him so much... I just want this nightmare to end.

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I think you need so stop sleeping over at this place and get on with your life.


You want the nightmare to end, then move on. If he's not your bf then so be it. And yes he can see whoever he wants.


Don't you want to be with someone who's relationship material and who will treat you right?

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You are right, I have been sleeping over this on and on and this is my fault because I treat him as a bf even if he is not.


At the time I was so blinded because of hurt. I am still hurt, but now I can see that he can do whatever he wishes with his life.


Thanks for reading and for posting and for commenting.

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What you've done wrong is to continue being with him in one way or another - sleeping over there and kissing and whatnot - while he's busy running around with other women right in front of you.


Get out of this mess - just leave him altogether. No contact. There are better men out there, men who will want only you and who won't cheat or date other women while you sit around pining for a lost fantasy.

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