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I'm jealous of my GF's friend after finding out...

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My GF and I have together going on almost a year. I knew she had a really good guy friend that she communicates via phone and text almost daily.


I just found out (on my own) that they originally met on a dating website about 2 years ago. I also found out that they did some dating, how much and how serious, I don't know. He lives about 3 hours away from her so I don't have a clue how involved they got.


I knew about him and didn't feel anything toward him until now, nearly a year after my GF and I have been together. She obviously felt that she didn't want to share this important info with me. I know their relationship started off on a possible romantic and possibly sexual beginning (another detail I found out. I know there was sexual topics discussed).


I'm not sure what to feel exactly. I'm not worried about her cheating on me. I know he's one of her best friends and they now share a lot of personal information about eachother. I guess I feel a little threatened by their closeness given their past and the fact that she never told me about how their "relationship" began.


Should I ask her about him? In detail that is. What if she plays down or is not honest about their beginnings? I think it's a possibility that she may make up a different story about how they met. If she does, what then?




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You need to ask her all the questions that are running through your head. If she lies to you about how they met, then you know she's a liar, plain and simple. If she lies to you about that, then you know you can't trust her to tell you the truth about things - that she will hide information from you to 'protect' herself, or to minimize her involvements with other men, or to suit herself so she can keep doing exactly as she wants without any flak from you.


Will you really be able to trust what she tells you if she lies about this?


However, if she tells you the truth, then you need to decide how comfortable you are with the current nature of their relationship. If she pays more attention to him with their daily conversations, then you're not number one for her.

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