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For all you people in unhappy FWB relationships!!!!!!!!

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whats an fwb? im new here!!!!:confused:

FWB = Friend(s) with Benefits; ie: friends having a sexual relationship that is not to be considered romantic, and for many not exclusive.

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I was in a relationship like this after a long term relationship break-up.Think I wasn't quite ready for anything else. It wasn't good for me as he was still "looking for Ms Right" and my self esteem took a dive. Now that things are over he states he loves me......sure....but not like the way love should be....so I will never go back to something that ultimately left me feeling so empty and wondering what was wrong with me that I wasn't Ms Right...:D


This is me. I was married for years, have had a few dates and really liked this one guy. I got over him and now he's back. It took him 3 weeks of talking to get me to agree to a FWB. Of course, I'm hoping for something more. I know he likes me or why after 5 months would he come back looking for me? The FWB situation fits because he's coming out of a bad marriage and isn't ready for a new commitment. I on the other hand, feel ready for one. I agreed to it to be close to him, thinking that I can handle it and I guess hoping his feelings will get stronger. Well we saw each other 3 times last week then I haven't heard from him for the whole week. So now I have those feelings, just like you said. I feel empty wanting to be with him and wondering why I'm not good enough for more than just a FWB. Does it ever actually work out? If you actually both like each other?

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This is me. I was married for years, have had a few dates and really liked this one guy. I got over him and now he's back. It took him 3 weeks of talking to get me to agree to a FWB. Of course, I'm hoping for something more. I know he likes me or why after 5 months would he come back looking for me? The FWB situation fits because he's coming out of a bad marriage and isn't ready for a new commitment. I on the other hand, feel ready for one. I agreed to it to be close to him, thinking that I can handle it and I guess hoping his feelings will get stronger. Well we saw each other 3 times last week then I haven't heard from him for the whole week. So now I have those feelings, just like you said. I feel empty wanting to be with him and wondering why I'm not good enough for more than just a FWB. Does it ever actually work out? If you actually both like each other?



This is dangerous. Reading these forums tells me that when one wants more than a FWB relationship one often gets hurt. Tread carefully with your heart, sweetie! It is hard to separate sexual intimacy from actual intimacy.

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So far I have never met anyone who FWB has turned into a real full on relationship. It is not worth the effort and damage to your self esteem. Move forward there are too many other people who will want you for a "real Love" relationship. You will see how much the FWB relationship was lacking. Don't waste too much time on this man.

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