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My Wife's "Friend".

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While I disagree with using physical violence to solve your problems, if only once I could have used my kickboxing to solve mine, it would have been so satisfying... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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Salicious Crumb
I'm glad I'm not married to someone like this. There is never a justification for cheating, but in some cases you can see why people do.


That would be like saying "there is never a justification for beating a cheating spouse, but I can understand why they do."

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Salicious Crumb
I'm glad I'm not married to someone like this.


Your glad you are not married to someone who stands up for himself and doesn't take any shiit?


Assuming the story is true...he didn't do anything wrong...he went to confront him to TELL him the way it is going to be and the little bastard made the first physical move.


So again, assuming the story is true....the OM made the first move. He could make a case for self defense.

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serial muse

I think this is a highly entertaining male-fantasy-type story. I'm with B4R - submit this baby to Maxim magazine!


The "fantasy" parts, which I'm sorry to see that a few of the guys on this thread might have bought into, are the bits where a. she didn't really cheat, but instead the OM was "harassing" her; and b. all our tough-guy-with-heart-of-gold hero had to do was defend his woman by "taking care" of the pansy-ass middle-aged Puerto Rican stalker - who drives a Honda, bites people (because, presumably, he's not "manly" enough to throw a real punch) and, horror of horrors, shakes his hips at college girls - with only his fists and, I assume, his steely gaze. :rolleyes::lmao:


Seriously, this thread is a riot!


But sorry, it's all just way too precious, stereotypical and convenient. I don't believe a word of it.

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I think this is a highly entertaining male-fantasy-type story. I'm with B4R - submit this baby to Maxim magazine!


The "fantasy" parts, which I'm sorry to see that a few of the guys on this thread might have bought into, are the bits where a. she didn't really cheat, but instead the OM was "harassing" her; and b. all our tough-guy-with-heart-of-gold hero had to do was defend his woman by "taking care" of the pansy-ass middle-aged Puerto Rican stalker - who drives a Honda, bites people (because, presumably, he's not "manly" enough to throw a real punch) and, horror of horrors, shakes his hips at college girls - with only his fists and, I assume, his steely gaze. :rolleyes::lmao:


Seriously, this thread is a riot!


But sorry, it's all just way too precious, stereotypical and convenient. I don't believe a word of it.

Hey, I understand the appeal of physical revenge and I'm no guy. You have no idea how satisfying it would have been to have taken down the OW with one swift kick to the head. :lmao: :lmao:

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This entire scenario is fairly typical for a BS type fantasy, actually. I imagine that most BS's have those sorts of thoughts about the OM/OW ranging from pulling pranks to committing murder. You just don't hear a lot of people admitting it, much less carrying it out.


How many BS think "if only I could find a way to get rid of the OM/OW, then all my problems would be solved". Well, I guess it solves one problem, but it doesn't really solve the main one: that the WS cheated, and will likely continue to cheat. There is only so much OW/OM ass you can beat before you have to admit to yourself that you are fighting the wrong battles.


In this case, if it is even a real case at all - I expect that there was more to it than is posted here. What I wouldn't give to hear the wife's side of the story, from her point of view, or better yet the OM's side of the story. That's the funny thing about stories - taken from different angles, you get entirely different reactions from them.

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You're probably right but taking down the OW in my situation had nothing to do with keeping my ex or thinking that it would have made any difference what-so-ever.


He's still available if anyone's looking...

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Darth Vader
Hey, I understand the appeal of physical revenge and I'm no guy. You have no idea how satisfying it would have been to have taken down the OW with one swift kick to the head. :lmao: :lmao:



Down Bruce Lee Down!:lmao::p

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Down Bruce Lee Down!:lmao::p

:p :p

I only kick-box for exercise, not serious martial arts like good ol' Bruce...


So which one would win? Bruce or Chuck Norris? ;)

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Sorry folks, but my story is 100% factual. If you want (and if it's possible) I can post a picture of my damn knuckle (which is about the size of a golf ball now) or my blood smeared Haynes tee shirt (not my blood, LOL!). Thanks to one of you for the compliments on my writing skills. Not bad for a guy who dropped out of high school in tenth grade, eh?


Anyway, the cop who arrested me (I did get arrested...just not charged) called me this afternoon. He told me how lucky I was that he actually bit me because that's considered "malicious intent" or something like that. If I would have done the same thing to him without him biting me like that I would have been in a heap of trouble. Anyway, this little puss did in fact take the only legal recourse possible for him...he filed a PFA against me! LOL! What a cu@t. The cop told me he spent several hours in surgery to repair his nose and orbital bone. I hope he has insurance!!!!!


So no. Sorry. No fiction here. The only part I wish was fictional was the part about my knuckle. It's killing me. It's not that bad to type with, but I ran a paver all day and luted blacktop....90 tons. No fun with a cracked up knuckle.

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How did your wife react when she found out you beat the crap outta the OM? Just wondering....


As I mentioned earlier, now that the OM is out of the picture completely, how are you going to focus on your wife and sort out your marriage? Don't think just cuz you got rid of OM calling and harrassing your wife that all the problems are gone.

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You have a serious anger issue dude...


I kind of doubt it's an anger issue, Art. Sounds like there's a possibility he might be either in the high range of normal on his testosterone levels, or even a bit elevated. I hope he's not supplementing. :eek:

Elevated levels can lead to prostrate cancer from what I've read.


This guy says he's a paver. He works a job which requires a certain level of musculature and physical stamina. He's got some aggressive tendencies as we've seen. He seems to be untroubled by things that would result in normal levels of anxiety for alot of other people.


Hey, the effects of testosterone are more far-reaching than just the libido.

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I'm wondering why a guy that has such a wonderfully trust worthy and honest wife feels the need to have her followed by a private investogator and track all of her phone calls. Very interesting. Once again......your story just ins't adding up.

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Darth Vader
:p :p

I only kick-box for exercise, not serious martial arts like good ol' Bruce...


So which one would win? Bruce or Chuck Norris? ;)



I thought there was a movie where Chuck was on a Bruce Lee movie when he was younger, Bruce Lee won, but, hey, that's the movies.

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I thought there was a movie where Chuck was on a Bruce Lee movie when he was younger, Bruce Lee won, but, hey, that's the movies.

I think you're right. I can't recall the name of the movie though. In reality, I think Bruce Lee is better. He's faster and more fit....ummm...was faster and more fit...

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Darth Vader

This guy says he's a paver. He works a job which requires a certain level of musculature and physical stamina. He's got some aggressive tendencies as we've seen. He seems to be untroubled by things that would result in normal levels of anxiety for alot of other people.


You could have a point, from your statement it seems that he works in a city, perhaps a major city like New York. In large cities like that there is a high crime rate, so you always have to watch your back. Looks like he's doing so. He may also be accoustomed to a higher stress level such as moving traffic, not everyone slows down to the lower speed limits.


As far as a PI goes, they're quite detailed in investigations, of course that depends on the PI, but, if it's a good one, what he found out is quite accurate. It's hard to fool a good PI.

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This thread has lived sufficiently long enough and here towards the end I've had to delete a number of rather vicious and/or mean-spirited posts. Let's just leave it here...and close the thread.


Many thanks!

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