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Here is something weird i noticed.


Do you know when you call someone and they are on the phone--you hear a distinctive ring? (not when you are on the phone and you hear the calling waiting but the other way around--when you call the person and realize they are on the phone because you hear a distinctive ring to it)


Well lately for a couple of months i noticed that i have not called my b/f at all when he was on the phone which is weird because that has never happened for awhile straight--and it actually made me think ok i guess he isnt on the phone as much but it also made me think--somehow he was able to shut this off so maybe i wont know if he is on the phone.

I call him the other day and it goes to his voicemail after so many rings. I check his phone the next day and it says i called him at 11:24 and he was on the phone at 11:16 for like 8 minutes and so many seconds...i should have been able to hear that distinctive ring and i didnt..which is making me feel anxious because I even asked him earlier before I saw this, were you busy when i called and he said he was in the car---leaving out that he was on the phone.


Is there a way for this to be shut off?--has he been lying to me about this calling waiting so i wont know when he is on the phone? what do i do..i was thinking of trying to call him when i know he is using the phone and say how come i did not hear the beep.

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Island Girl

Why are you so concerned with him being on the phone? He does know other people and talk to other people doesn't he?


Did you catch him cheating before or something?


Without any background it sounds like you are running yourself in circles checking up on things that could be explained by normal circumstances...without cheating being part of the picture.


That paints you as very insecure in the relationship and that you do not trust your boyfriend in the least.

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i dont know if i think a person is cheating due to this..im just saying--isnt this a little odd?

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it seems kind of obvious he has turned it off..you would think i would have heard him in the phone since i usually do once in awhile and it hasnt happened.

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what do i do..i was thinking of trying to call him when i know he is using the phone and say how come i did not hear the beep.


Maybe there's a way to shut it off, I don't know. Why do you care? What's the big deal if he did shut it off?


And why do you need to DO anything? So what if you don't know if he's on the phone when you call. What's your concern?


i dont know if i think a person is cheating due to this..im just saying--isnt this a little odd?


You posted this thread in CHEATING, FLIRTING, JEALOUSY. The implication is you think he is cheating because he MIGHT have switched off some phone feature - though you certainly don't know for sure. So you must be thinking this has something to do with cheating.


And no, I don't think it's odd. People manage their calls and phones in all kinds of ways.


BUT, I do think it is very, very, very odd that you are so concerned about it that you would start this thread. Don't you allow him to talk to other people on the phone? What possible difference could it make to you if you KNOW he is on the phone when you call or not?

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