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Update to boss giving me no work

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So I'm sure many of you have read my previous post. Well I will be at this company for 3 months in a few weeks..and yet NOTHING has changed. My probationary period will be over and I know both my manager and my boss obviously kow I'm getting no work during the day. I am now getting frustrated, bored and snippy with people bc of this situation. I'm still sitting there staring at a computer screen, usually with a spreadsheet up so it looks like I'm looking at something. My manager has now resorted to giving me busy work, scanning crap into a fax machine for 5 hrs a day. while my manager sits in front of his computer screen focused on his important work and the other important people in my group while I'm not acknowdleged and given no work. I now have co workers walking by me..I think on purpose prob to see what I'm doing. I'm about to start saying to them if ure so concerned with what I'm doing how about u give me work to do. I even had a coworker say how he wishes he had some stuff to give me:rolleyes:. Yes my manager is a supposed "great guy"(besides the fact he leers at me lol) and he does let me leave early, has a nice personality but as far as I'm concerned his managering skills at least with me..suck. I get treated good..got taken out to lunch a few times, flowers for secretarys day etc..but really that's not helping the situation. He obviously doesn't want nor need me as an asst. He even took me off as delegate for his calendar so I quesitoned him and said "do u want me to not be able to accept meetings for u now or something" he responds oh I didn't touch any of the settings..of course he did..they don't change magically. From the outside my family and friends think this is just a great company bc I'm making good money..then I tell them how I'm still being given no work..and they look at me and I get the same response..that's wierd..yes it is. I forgot to add in my last post the trouble I had my first week when my manager, boss and vp..who would be training me all decided to call out my first week there..my manager was supposed to call me to let me know ahead of time but forgot. None of my coworkers would train me and gave me 80 pages of handouts to read and started telling how I would be responsible for this this and this and that I need to know what eveything meant when my boss came back, then my boss called me 4 days later. Then I was told I was gonna be charge of number whch 4 employess asnwer right now who are licensed and that would be my job as well as the other requirements.Long story short I called out and told my boss I would not be returning, explained the situation, how I was completely overwhelmed with no guidance and he apoloigized for not showing up and having coworkers overwhelming me and training me unproperly and said the idea of the position was to see what I was good at..so basciallly even he didn't know what I was going to be doing? so I went back to the position. I was also under the impression that the situation would be kept confidential..well nowI find out last week that somehow all my coworkers found out meaning my manager went back and told them. I started to think ok they don't want to ovewhelm me again..but really 3 months? come on now..they can cleary see I've caught on quickly with the little amount they've given me. I just don't know what to do. They don't need 2 admins plain and simple and I'm not gonna walk around kissing everyones but so they like me as much as they like her..this isn't high school. I've stopped going into my manager's office asking for work and him looking at me like I'm annoying him bc you know what I shouldn't have to. My coworkers are still going to the other admin..miss kiss hiney..I've even been told that "I should wish to be as good as her" on my first day..are u kidding me. I forgot to add that I'm in grad school which my boss and coworkers know about for something unrelated to this field. In a year a half I will most likely have to quit watever job I am at in order to do student teaching unless my boss lets me take off a month. This situation is beyond wierd and I have to make a plan soon what I'm going to do. Do I go in this week and speak to him? And even if I do he'll give me the response..Oh I'll have the guys give you something to do..and then they never well I started sending out resumes again bc I feel like leaving is the best thing to do.

Guys I really need advice.

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Why did they hire you then if there's not enough work to do? I just got my pink slip because my workload dwindled down to nothing (no jobs coming in). I'm glad because I was so damn bored at that job and like you - I sat there all day being ignored with nothing to do. I work for a small consultant and all this proposals he's sent out were ignored and he got into a major financial bind. That's what I get for working for a one-man outfit - when work dies they can't pay you.


Sounds like you need to pack up and find another job. Trust me - nothing is worse than sitting at a desk all day with nothing to do.


Wish I had better advice but it sounds like you're just in a bizarre atmosphere and no one can figure out what exactly your job is.


You can only sit and pretend your busy for so long and that's gonna get old fast. BUT, I say if you are treated well by these people and it's a professional work environment then stick it out a bit longer. Maybe they're just inbetween projects. Or go confront your boss and just tell him you're feeling left out.


Keep us posted on what happens. Good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm also curious to see what ended up happening here. I'm sort of in a similar situation. Started a job on Monday (part time for the summer, no work today) and I hardly get anything to do. I'm left at my computer to "get to know people" or "check my e-mail" Very different for me, sort of freaks me out.


I hope everything went well for you Rewind.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I'm also curious to see what ended up happening here. I'm sort of in a similar situation. Started a job on Monday (part time for the summer, no work today) and I hardly get anything to do. I'm left at my computer to "get to know people" or "check my e-mail" Very different for me, sort of freaks me out.


I hope everything went well for you Rewind.

Hey, thank you. Well actually it took almost 3 months but I have been given many more responsibilites, doing monthly reports, accounts. This was all done by an old employee that left and who had a much higher position then me so I don't know if they planned on giving it to someone with my title but they did. I'm now also the go to person for everything where as in the beginning the other assistant was always the one people went to. There are days where I'm so busy I don't even have time for lunch but then there are still a few days a week where I still have alot of down time unless someone asks me for help with something. All and all at least they're utilizing me more.

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Well rewind

I have been following your story,and felt so bad for ya. I'm glad your are getting some respect now.


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