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My hub and I haven't met and communicated for over a year and I am considering a divorce. He and I live far apart and I take care of most of stuff (work, household, kids). We have been married for over two decades and about half the time we have lived apart and I have been faithful. Yes, I did have a couple of temptations, but I was able to keep those out.


One day over 13 months ago, I told him cheap for all the choices he made for our household (not just for me) and I was just disappointed and wanted to talk about the problems. I am frugal and all for cheap stuff if that works, but it didn't. It brought more troubles and more waste and all the problems that I have to take care of during his absence. (He comes and visits three times a year while living and working out of state.) He turned and left and we haven't talked since. I tried to e-mail him to reflect on his thoughts on us and our relationship, I don't get any response. He even e-mailed our tax (joint) information to our daughter earlier in the year. I have seen a psychologist and a lawyer and pretty much decided on a divorce, but I still want to hear from him. My lawyer said that our case can't be treated as dessertion because he has been sending money regularly. I want to talk to him and agree upon the terms but he doesn't even respond to my question.


In the meantime, my neighbor(divorced) is trying to court me (I think). I stopped wearing the wedding ring after I e-mailed my hub two weeks ago and he might have noticed that. We talked sometimes when we met while working in the garden. He brought flowers and asked me if I want to go for a walk with him. That's what my daughter put in her note to me because I wasn't home when he came.


I don't really know him personally, so I would like to know him better if those walks in the neighborhood is okay. Am I wrong? Do I need to put the ring back on my finger?

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