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risk losing a close friend...?

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I have a very close female friend - we go out, we have dinner, we stay up late and chat. Should I just ask her out, and have done, even if that risks our friendship?


Her friendship means a lot to me, so could we still be friends if she says "no"? How to balance this against my not wanting to wonder...?


So many questions - any answers/opinions out there?



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Do you two flirt, or is it all strictly friendly? Does she date other guys and tell you about them? You might already be in the friend zone...


Start flirting with her and teasing her so she starts thinking of you as a sexual creature and not just a friend. Then ask her out.


If she says no, you have to decide if you can truly be friends with someone you have the hots for. Can you stand by while she dates and falls in love with other guys? If not, it doesn't matter if you ask her out or not - that kind of friendship will be painful for you. Best to move on.

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