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Where do women flock?

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I'm relatively new, just had a read and found the site interesting so I thought I would register and share a problem of my own.


Anyway, I'm 20 and from Australia. I'm studying law at the moment(1st year, mature age student) and lead a somewhat busy life. I was just wondering if someone could answer the question for me, where are some good places to meet women? I ask this question because I feel like I have tried a lot of places and have not had much luck.


You would think uni would be a great place to meet them but I gotta say, it's not as easy as it sounds. I mean, I'm in first year and since most of the other students in my year are straight from high school, there is about a 2 year age gap between me and most girls there. Most of them seem bright which is something I usually look for in a potential girlfriend. I've always thought about approaching but it makes me feel like a predator you know? Especially when I'm thinking about it in my criminal law lecture and we are discussing assault and sexual offences :lmao: These little facts don't really make uni seem all that good anymore as a source for meeting the other gender. Keep in mind I mean meeting by intentionally striking up a conversation with someone with the intent of it possibly leading further. I am capable and have talked to many girls at uni without any intent of it leading further so simply striking up a conversation isn't a prob. Sort of confusing, oh well.


My workplace doesn't help much either. I work parttime at a supermarket and in my department, I am once again the oldest person there in my department besides the managers. Some girls there are too young for me to have any interest in (under 18), others have boyfriends, others are too old for me to have any interest in, others simply don't catch my interest romantically so in other words, how can I say this, I have exhausted all the resources my workplace provides me so to speak.


I volunteer for a charity, the name is the Salvation Army for those who know it, it is similar to another charity known as the Red Cross. I volunteer at their shops that raise money for the charity. While I didn't join to simply meet women, the thought did cross my mind but didn't work out when I found out the only women who work in the shop are over 45 :p


I play outdoor and indoor soccer as well (I'm actually the captain for both of my teams:D ). It's a hobby of mine and that doesn't provide any chances either. The teams are made up of solely male players and my clubs don't have female teams for the female league due to lack of support so that's another idea gone down the drain.


So yeah, besides those ideas and the fact that another hobby of mine is sitting on my computer which won't do me any good, I can't think of any other ways of getting out there and meeting new women. One problem is that I absolutely hate clubbing with a passion which at my age, alienates me from a very large number of women within my age group. I do occasionally like to go to pubs but not with the intention meeting women, just to have a drink with mates. I'm usually not interested in the women I see at pubs because usually they are drunk as hell which there is nothing wrong with but it's hard to maintain a decent convo with a drunk when you don't know them and also, the pubs I've been to, the women seem to be a little on the boganish side which I don't like. I'm sure they are good people but it's just something that deters me away. Maybe my standards are too high, I don't know.


But anyway, that's my problem, is there anywhere else, if any, besides pubs and clubs that women tend to flock? (especially the brighter ones)

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I decided to post for two reasons.

1) Australian

2) Uni


So anyway you're only 20 its not like you 30 (thought nothing really wrong) trying to approach them.

Its only two years pffft.


If i'm still single next year, me being a year older isn't going to stop me from talking with the first years that I'll have lectures with.

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at a university, join an outdoor-sports club. If there is not one, create one. Be good at some outdoor sport that most folks can do. Kayaking, hiking, etc.


Organize trips to the outdoors, make a nice lunch, a bottle of vino.


Have fun and engaging conversations.


You will find a girl or two or three who are interested in both the sport and in talking to you.


Worked for me. It's about creating your opportunity instead of waiting for one.


Note: you have to act like you are in it for the sport, not for shagging babes for this to work.

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