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I wish he would just ask me already

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Mary Shadows

I am into this guy, and we flirt, but how can I make it more obvious that I would like to date him? I want him to flat out ask me, but I think he is going in circles and he is hinting to me that he wants to take me out. As he said "you know we have more in common than you think we do, we like a lot of the same things" I mean to me, that sounds like he wants to get to know me more. Anyone wanna offer up any suggestions? Thx

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Why don't you just ask him out?

Or, next time he drops a hint say something like "well, if you asked me out for an icecream, I'd possibly say yes..." And then see what happens.

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Since you want to take baby steps, do something like this:

Plan to go to an event that you are going to go alone. In otherwords, something you are going to no matter what.

Now, just tell him 'Hey, Im going to [such and such], do you want to go?'

If he says no, oh well, but go anyway. He'll ask about it later and it shows your independent for whats that worth.


But if he says no, he's not interested.

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Mary Shadows

Thx so much, that sounds good. Should I maybe ask him for like coffee instead?

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