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Cheating friend taking it to another level?

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My bestfriend is also a memeber of my Family. She has been married for 7 1/2 years and has 2 sons 7 and 3. 8 months ago she started talking on the phone to a guy she met online while playing video games. Over the last 8 months she has told me that she has fallen out of love with her husband and has fallen for this guy. We live in Western Canada and this guy lives on the East Coast in the US. She has told her husband and certain people in her family that she is flying to Eastern Canada to visit friends that used to live with her here in Western Canada. It Turns out that this guy has bought her a plane ticket to fly down and spend a week with him in his home town, staying at his place. I am worried about this as she wont even show me a picture of this guy. How do I, or do I stop her from going???

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I guess you could stop her by threatning to tell her husband. Other than that, you probably can't stop her if she has already made up her mind. I think you should tell her to stop telling you about it, that way you're not an accomplice to her bad behavior. I think it's strange that she would be willing to stay a week at a guy's house that she doesn't even know. For all she knows, he could be a serial rapist or killer. By all means, try to stop her from going, but she has probably already made up her mind.

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Her Husband is very ill and has a short temper. I would be scared to tell him in fear of what he "May" Do. Im not saying he would do anything for sure but you just never know. Her mother knows what is going on and at first was not happy but has since talked to his guy on the phone and is now okay with it :mad:

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You'll have no more chance at success of stopping this than you would trying to get a hardcore crackhead to stop hitting the pipe - particularly since her mother has enabled this. She is wrapped up in a fantasy right now, a fantasy born out of a strong desire to escape her life. I expect she sees this as the door to her cell opening up, and this is her chance to step out of it. If you stand in the way, she'll trample you over on her way out the door - and any attempt you make to stop this will be met with frustration and outright hostility.


I'm sort of torn on the 'telling her husband' bit of it. Generally speaking, I think it would be a good idea for him to know what is going on. That really is the only way to stop this from happening, but do you get the sense that he would physically harm her if you were to expose this?

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