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Things you love about your spouse!

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This thread is dedicated to HD!


So many people have had their ups and downs in their marriages, so this thread is focussing ONLY on positive things about your marriage and your spouse.


What do you love about your spouse? Remember, NO negative words, only positive words!

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:lmao: :lmao:


I just cannot do this right now............. :lmao: :lmao:


I love the way the brie drips off the side of his head and he just sits there with no expression on his face.


Truly..... that was beautiful. Poetic.......


But he does have pretty hot ab's.


**** tryinggggggg tooooooo reeestrainnnnn mysellfffff frommmmm negattttive commmmmennnnnt........ the pain... of restraint ..... it.... too.. much.... toooooooo ..... take.....................


that bastard! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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The thing I love most about my spouse is his paycheck. Oh yeah...he's my ex-spouse.


I still love the paycheck though. ;)

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You start a negative thread about spouses then. Since you can't play by MY rules by staying positive! he he he!

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Who / what is HD?



He's humpty dumpty. He's slightly cracked.

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Sorry about that. Coffee hasn't kicked in yet. I meant Hardcase aka SC.


*And NO to those with perverted minds, I wasn't think HD as in hard dick! LMFAO!*

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The thing I love most about my spouse is his paycheck. Oh yeah...he's my ex-spouse.


I still love the paycheck though. ;)


LOVE IT!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


I think I want 3-4 ex- spouses to love this way! :lmao: :lmao:

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Okay so what's a SC?


Whenever I see DH I always think of d!ckhead. I guess it's all relevant.

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What is brie and why do you throw it at him? I know you two are having problems but isn't that abusive? If a woman threw something at me I would dump the whole bucket on her.

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What is brie and why do you throw it at him? I know you two are having problems but isn't that abusive? If a woman threw something at me I would dump the whole bucket on her.


I don't care what you would do Woggle...... I don't care. He also got the chutney and the crackers. He more than deserved it.


He likes brie. :lmao: Brie doesn't come in a bucket :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


If he doesn't like it he knows where the door is.


ok to stay positive for Dear (shower massagin') WW.


He can fix most anything or create things when he wants to.

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This thread is dedicated to HD!


So many people have had their ups and downs in their marriages, so this thread is focussing ONLY on positive things about your marriage and your spouse.


What do you love about your spouse? Remember, NO negative words, only positive words!


I love his smile


I love his deep sexy voice


I love the way he is with our son


I love his amazing mind


I love his sense of humor


I love the way he use to love me

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What I love about my husband?


He is always thinking about my needs, even before I do.


He is an awesome dad!


He is mechanical and can fix anything.


He always thinks things through and makes wise choices.


He is generous and giving. Always willing to help anyone he can.


He is funny.


He is sexy.


He thinks I'M sexy.

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My Fair Katie

If I gotta... he's actually really very funny. Great one liners and very silly.


And he's handsome.

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I want happygirl70's husband.


There are some things I love about my husband


- boyish charm

- very handsome

- built

- used to be great lover

- nice smile

- spiritual

- TRIES to be the best he can

- devotion to daughter

- relatively vice-free

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Well lets see, since I can offically call her my spouse in 16 more days, I'll go ahead and list some things. :love:





*good listener

*good cook

*gives good head :love::lmao:

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I love the way my H smells

I love how kind hearted he is

I love how he always scratches/tickles my back, even if he really doesn't want to

I love that he gets grumpy in the morning and can still make me laugh

I love that he lets me be ME, quirks and all!

I love and appreciate all the things he does for me

I love that he can get on my nerves, piss me off and still make me smile

I love that he does the dishes after I cook

I love that he does the laundry if I don't want to

I love that I wake up next time him everyday (unless I have bad gas attacks in the night, he'll move into the spare bedroom.)

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I love mine because he just paid his car insurance and I only had to remind him once. :love: :love: :love: :love:



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My list is a little bit different so please don't make fun of it or tell me these are not considered lovable things.

  1. Doesn't question me, put me down or call me a liar.
  2. Likes me for who I am.
  3. Doesn't tell me I'm an embrassment
  4. Gives me space.
  5. Is cynical. <-----Love that. :love:
  6. Talks to me.
  7. Will go and see cheesy girly movies with me even though he doesn't want/have to.
  8. Love the way he tells me things and adds humor to it (sound effects). I'm always laughing around him because he just so dang funny. Even when he's not trying to be.
  9. Laughs at anything like me! :laugh: :laugh:
  10. Attractive no matter what he wears.
  11. Forgiving.
  12. Does things with me even if it's stupid.

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wow...dedicated to me...shucks :rolleyes:


Ok...you want to know what I love about her? In my situation, its hard to think about it, but here it goes.


...she is beautiful to me even if she lets herself go...she will always be beautiful to me


...she plans nice family outings


...she buys me at least one shirt when she is out shopping for herself


...when in public she grabs me by the hand


Thats all I can think of at the moment.

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he smells good

he's smart

good lover




I'm being silly... sorry couldn't resist... LOL :)

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-He's honest and reliable. He's a straight arrow and tries his best to do what is right

-He's a wonderful father who devotes hours to his children

-He likes to read books and talk about "deep" stuff

-Good cheekbones and muscular legs

-He puts up with a lot from me

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Good post HC. (And sorry for calling ya HD earlier...lol)


No problem....HD eh? ...hi-def? Hard D....uh..never mind


And if ya want to know..reason for the change is the mods don't seem to know how to separate a story of what might happen to someone that could end in violence to thinking I was threatening someone.


I don't threaten and have never been violent in my life...but some mods see what they wanna see.

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