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The Breakup

Ms. Hager

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I had just put a message on the board yesterday saying how I was tired of my boyfriend disrespecting me. Well that same day, he broke up with me. Once again, he is a singer in a band, and there is a certain way that he acts whenever he is at shows. By saying in yesterdays message, I should have clarified that the disrespectful comments he says about girls are disrespectful to me, not them. He says things that a decent man, or human for that matter, just shouldn't say infront of the supposed woman he loves. Anyway, he told me yesterday that he won't change that way he acts, and as the band gets better, he seems to be getting worse. He said that he just can't hurt me anymore. Well for the last 24hrs I've been crying non-stop. I feel as though my entire life was just carried away, and that my heart was torn in two. I guess my question is do you think that it is such an unreasonable request to ask someone to change what they say in front of you? After all of the sacrifices, and hard work put into this relationship, I felt it a little unfair to end it because of his childish outlook on respecting me.

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I don't think your questions are un-reasonable...very common actually. The fact is some guys..not all though...are childish and seem to remail that way...mabey something will hit him hard one day and he will want to change...but until he wants to change...there's no asking or makeing him change...even if he sais he will...


I don't think that him not changing has anything to do with you though...later in life you may end up finding yourself smileing and glad you didn't end up with a guy who would treat you wrong for life...I hope one day you will be truely happy and realise that that relationship couldn't have hung on for too long...and if it did on or the both of you either would have had to change (which didn't seem to be an option) or be blind to it....


good luck with future relationships....it's greaat to keep hearing from you, I can't chat on IRC but I sure don't mind chatting with you on here...


ciao for now!


*box of kleenex and a BIG BEAR HUG!*


hang in there gal, things will look better oneday for you I hope...in a better relationship...with a loveing and recpectful guy...don't look to hard though...desperation often atracts really wierdo's...like i said try the friendship thing:)


*hugs again*



I had just put a message on the board yesterday saying how I was tired of my boyfriend disrespecting me. Well that same day, he broke up with me. Once again, he is a singer in a band, and there is a certain way that he acts whenever he is at shows. By saying in yesterdays message, I should have clarified that the disrespectful comments he says about girls are disrespectful to me, not them. He says things that a decent man, or human for that matter, just shouldn't say infront of the supposed woman he loves. Anyway, he told me yesterday that he won't change that way he acts, and as the band gets better, he seems to be getting worse. He said that he just can't hurt me anymore. Well for the last 24hrs I've been crying non-stop. I feel as though my entire life was just carried away, and that my heart was torn in two. I guess my question is do you think that it is such an unreasonable request to ask someone to change what they say in front of you? After all of the sacrifices, and hard work put into this relationship, I felt it a little unfair to end it because of his childish outlook on respecting me.
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