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Please help me!!!!!


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Me and my girlfriend were going out for quite some time and everything was going great. Until one day when I was at her place and she told me she didn't want to go out with me anymore. I couldn't believe it. She had absolutely no reason. Or so she told me. But one day I found out she was with one of my best friends after we broke up. So I talked to her about it and she told me she still had feelings for him. They used to go out a while back. But the thing is he does not like her at all. All he wants is sex. And he treats women horribly. The thing that got to me though is she knows that. I love her so much, but she just wants to be friends. I can't handle it, I love her more than "just friends". But she likes my friend who treats her like ##### behind her back. I don't know what to do. Somebody please help me.

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Run for the hills buddy! Save yourself from an emotional TKO. Were you totally unaware of her past relationship with your friend?


If she is into someone else, and hasn't been honest-you don't need her. If she's willing to dump you over someone that she knows is no good-then she must be a glutton for punishment(they do exist you know), and that's a problem she'll have to work out on her own in time.


You sound like a nice guy...move on.


Me and my girlfriend were going out for quite some time and everything was going great. Until one day when I was at her place and she told me she didn't want to go out with me anymore. I couldn't believe it. She had absolutely no reason. Or so she told me. But one day I found out she was with one of my best friends after we broke up. So I talked to her about it and she told me she still had feelings for him. They used to go out a while back. But the thing is he does not like her at all. All he wants is sex. And he treats women horribly. The thing that got to me though is she knows that. I love her so much, but she just wants to be friends. I can't handle it, I love her more than "just friends". But she likes my friend who treats her like ##### behind her back. I don't know what to do. Somebody please help me.
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keith kimball

Man, I'm sorry but you need to GO! I married a woman not over her ex. We married in June and now we are divorcing at her request. Unless she is way over him, I mean she doesn't talk about him or think about him, you are not safe. It is a struggle and will not be easier, but if you stay, you will see Hell on Earth. I promise you.

Me and my girlfriend were going out for quite some time and everything was going great. Until one day when I was at her place and she told me she didn't want to go out with me anymore. I couldn't believe it. She had absolutely no reason. Or so she told me. But one day I found out she was with one of my best friends after we broke up. So I talked to her about it and she told me she still had feelings for him. They used to go out a while back. But the thing is he does not like her at all. All he wants is sex. And he treats women horribly. The thing that got to me though is she knows that. I love her so much, but she just wants to be friends. I can't handle it, I love her more than "just friends". But she likes my friend who treats her like ##### behind her back. I don't know what to do. Somebody please help me.
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I think you should drop this chick like a hot patato.If she doesn't want ya,there are plenty of more fish in the sea.I know how hard it can be to let go,but save yourself a lot of grief on this one.

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