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I told him her I liked her!

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Hey guys. There's this girl I knew for about four year. I thought I was in the friend zone with her. I decided to give it a shot and tell her i liked her. She said this exactly back "I was actually thinking the same thing in that way idk but then I would think about the friendship we could lose." I then said I don't want to pressure her and that nothing needs to happen and if anything happends ti just will. She then replied "we will see." She still flirts with me sometimes, but not as much as she used to. I put my arm around her and she put her cheek over for me to kiss her. Today, as i walked away, she pulled my arm and held onto my hand. I think we are in transition. I'm also going to prom with her and she is ecited. I think she is nervous because I am so budy. I do boxing 3 times a week, taekwondoe another 3 times a week, and I work 30 hours per week. I told her I would quit boxing to hangout with her and she said that was sweet. What I am asking is how could I speed things up without being too pushy?

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She said this exactly back "I was actually thinking the same thing in that way idk but then I would think about the friendship we could lose."


Sorry to tell you this but this is a line women use to keep you around but I seriously doubt if she is considering a relationship with you.


I would look for another girl. If she is serious about more then that will make her make that decision faster.

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Well that depends. I don't want to give you false hope, but you can change a girl's mind. I wouldn't exactly say you'd give up something you love like boxing for her though. she might shy away if you're coming on too strong. hang out with her with some friends, and dont try too hard! be yourself at prom. just let things happen as they will. Hope it works out for you!

I think people dont reply to the messages from the younger crowd too often. don't you think? im in college and no one replied to mine yet :(

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I am doing NC with her and her friend and I have been getting along very good. I'm not trying to get with her friend t get her jealous, but thats just what might happen. Also, I noticed I am very needy which is kind of embarssing because i'm a guy. I don't come off as needy, but I take it very personal whenver I get rejected or when a girl doesn't call me back. Anything, I can do about that?

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