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Me and my boyfriend had a talk about what is cheating and what is not cheating.


He said hugging would make him jelous

I have hugged a guy in the beginning of our relationship

should i tell him?

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Hugging is ok, as long as it stops there. Hugging is more like a friendly thing.


He doesn't need to know that.

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Hugging is not really cheating. It bothers some people, but not others. If you think it's no big deal, it doesn't mean anything it's just the way you are, tell your boyfriend this. If he is still not happy with it, he is too immature and insecure for a relationship with you.

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I classify cheating as "If you wouldn't do it infront of them, it is cheating"




If you wouldn't hug someone else infront of him because you know how he would feel/react then it is cheating. Personally hugging to me isn't and I think this 'hugging' incident is best left untold. Don't mention it and just keep going. No good will come from it, and in my eyes it isn't that bad anyway.

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If this is a problem.......then DAMN! Girl, if you and your boyfriend don't have enough trust in your relationship that you can't even hug a guy without him getting pissed, then you don't even need to be with him. Hugging is not cheating. And there is no reason to fret over that. Sure go ahead and tell your guy that you hugged him....and if he gets pissed, then dump his ass...you don't need a man that's jealous....because there is nothing worse than a jealous man.


Hope I helped.



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It depends on the type of hug! Hugging is not cheating, but step two does not happen without step one. If the hug is just a hello--glad to see ya type thing, it is silly to be jealous. But, if it is a sensual hug---it can lead to cheating. Some hugging is flirting. Women sometimes use it as a "teaser". I can tell the difference.

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