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my boyfriend's pot is makin me crazy

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My boyfriend smokes pot with his friends and his band and I can't stand the way he looks or acts when he is stoned. Here's the catch: sometimes I smoke pot, too. I feel like a hypocrite, and I don't know what to do. If I tell him he's not "allowed" to smoke pot, that's not fair. How can I get over my hangup??? Pls email me.

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I was married to a guy like that years and years ago. I too partook occassionaly. We were together for 2 years and


for 2 years I was what I call "comfortably miserable"...... yes I was miserable but too comfortable with the relationship to do anything about it. Well, eventually I quite partaking and he continued toking.


When I met him he was doing it....all his friends were doing it. After the divorce I had to take a long hard look at what I wanted and don't want in a partner....plus take a long hard look at myself as to why I attracted someone like that and why I would even hook up with someone like that.


Now, when I meet someone one I find out first if they have anything that I would consider a "bad habit".


But generally, if he was doing this when you two met, chances are it will continue until he is ready to quite. Mine never quite. And from what I've heard, after being divorced for 8 years his still doing it. More power to him.


When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired, you'll know what to do.

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