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keep trying or let it go?

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hello boys and girls, i am running to you for advice because most of your guys are in a relationship, so you know how it should be done at the start of a relationship.


Currently I like a boy who's in my circle of 'close friends', who really isn't my 'close friend' at all. We are awkward talking to one another, at least face to face. I've liked him for 3 years now, and during that 3 years, he liked 2 of my friends from the circle~! ARG! It's very frustrating.


Last week, i think there is a hope between us as he warms up towards me a little, we had a really good time, but not soon after (this week), he was cold towards me again, which made me feel very hurt and I get so frustrated!!


So boys and girls, what should i do? Should i keep on being really nice and gentle towards him, and pay him lots of attention? Boys, (or if you are boy), would be change your heart if a girl is really nice and warm towards you?


there seems to be only 2 main resolution from this:

a) he finally warms up to me completely, and the happy ending


b) he still doesn't like me, and finds some other girl, and copmletely shatters my heart, because the more i pay attenion to him and be nice to him, the more volunerable i'd be to him.


Which one would be the more likely conclusion?

Should i take the gamble? or should i just let it go?


p.s. lately he's been gettings lots of sms on his mobile...would he have found someone already? sad.gif


please, i desparately need your opinion, i am so clueless when it comes to boys.

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I say this because when somoene really likes you...they are not as you stated "cold" to you the next week. It does not take hard work for somone to show you that they want to be with you, they care about you or are trying to get to know you. What about this situation with this "boy" as you put it confuses you? Either he likes you or he does not. If anything, he sounds a bit confusing or as if he really does not know how you feel about him. Truth be told..."boys" grow into "men" and it does not drastically improve...they are still from mars, venus or some other planet that we are not! So this one is easy....and my advice is to find someone who "shows" you that he likes you. Find someone that does not require you to play the guessing game and read the book "He's just not that into you" by Greg Behrendt. It's covers the hard truths that we as women need to understand and finally comprehend about boys or men that we don't want to face and hear.


Good Luck and move on.........that right guy is out there...and he will be willing, ready and able to show you that he likes you.


hello boys and girls, i am running to you for advice because most of your guys are in a relationship, so you know how it should be done at the start of a relationship.


Currently I like a boy who's in my circle of 'close friends', who really isn't my 'close friend' at all. We are awkward talking to one another, at least face to face. I've liked him for 3 years now, and during that 3 years, he liked 2 of my friends from the circle~! ARG! It's very frustrating.


Last week, i think there is a hope between us as he warms up towards me a little, we had a really good time, but not soon after (this week), he was cold towards me again, which made me feel very hurt and I get so frustrated!!


So boys and girls, what should i do? Should i keep on being really nice and gentle towards him, and pay him lots of attention? Boys, (or if you are boy), would be change your heart if a girl is really nice and warm towards you?


there seems to be only 2 main resolution from this:

a) he finally warms up to me completely, and the happy ending


b) he still doesn't like me, and finds some other girl, and copmletely shatters my heart, because the more i pay attenion to him and be nice to him, the more volunerable i'd be to him.


Which one would be the more likely conclusion?

Should i take the gamble? or should i just let it go?


p.s. lately he's been gettings lots of sms on his mobile...would he have found someone already? sad.gif


please, i desparately need your opinion, i am so clueless when it comes to boys.

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