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sci-fi girl problems

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Hi, sorry... you must get this kinda stuff every day. Please here me out. I am the leader of a school group known as the sci-fi club. I know it sounds dorky. when I started It, I got some guts and asked this extremely good looking girl to join. at first I thought she would say no but as god as my witness, she said yes. Now my problem is is that she has a boyfriend, but I'm starting to fall for her. At night, I can't stop thinking of her, but deep down I know it;s wrong to like her. what makes matters worse is that she has " features" that I know is perverted to think about. I talked to my friends about this and they didn;t really help. Not only that but I can't talk to her without blushing sometimes. sorry for this long one but I rally need the help. Please help to solve my issuses and that would really help. thanks

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Well, if it makes you feel better there are lots of hot not dorky sci-fi girls in college. I live in a house full of them. There are other fishes in the sea.

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Sorry darling but I don't think there's much you can do if she has a boyfriend; other than be her fellow club member...consider her not an option for you right now. Another girl will come along, I promise!

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It's not "perverted" to think about her tits.


Just keep talking to her, the more you hang around her the more comfortable you'll get.


She has a BF, so don't make any moves on her, just be her friend if you can.

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TRIMMER....I would guess between 15 and 18

I'm guessing on the even younger side... Since he said "features" (as in "any" features, instead of something like "big features"...) I'm wondering about that awkward middle-school range...


Jinzo - we're not making fun of you... There are so many changes that happen so quickly in young boys and girls at different ages, it will help us to understand where you're coming from if we know your age. (And hers, if it's much different from yours...)

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