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My best friend's sister

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I've been friends with this guy for 10 years and as I have got older I always thought his younger sister was cute, but she was young and never thought anything of her. Recently though I'v noticed her more and I want to ask out some time but I dont know how to approach this b/c this will be out of the blue for her and she probally just always thought of me as her brothers friend and thats all. Shes 19 and I'm 22. I know my friend would be fine with this b/c he once asked me to ask his sister out after i broke up with my previous gf. I guess I want to give her a hint that I'm interested in her before I do anything. Any advice on how to go about this would be great.

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I say just call her up and ask her out...well maybe 1st you should explain that you've been thinking of asking her out lately, then ask her about something fairly casual like a movie. For all you know, she's always thought of you as her brothers cute friend...my best friend ended up marrying a friend of her brothers. Just go for it!

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Do a littel casual flirting and see how she reacts. if she flirts back then I say go for it.

I have two younger sisters both have told me many years later that their friends at one time or another had crushes on me.

Your Best Friend telling you to ask his sister out might have been a hint that his sister has a crush on you.

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i had the exact same situation as the OP. too bad nothing came out of it though, but nothing started either. I made jokes about taking my best bud's sister and he told me "please do". haha, he said she's a ditz and needs someone smart to lead her life and that i qualify. sadly she doesn't like me :p

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Do you think your friend would have said "Dude, date my sister" if he didn't think she'd be game?

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