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Ex Boyfriend or Whatever He Is?

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Hi all, I broke up with my bf about 7 months ago now, because he had some huge problems, he is a guy with an ex who is bipolar and had custody of his 3 kids...... he lost them back then..... so I let him alone to sort out his problems, but I was also heartbroken then too. Since then he has come back, we spent lots of time together, then about a week ago he said he didn't wan't a girlfriend... That hurt, he's still coming around, but I've been cold to him..... what does he want from me? I'm very confused. Thnx..... advice appreciated.........


Also: He sketched a picture of me a week ago and wrote on the bottom:

"Sandy I Love You"



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What it means is he hasn't sorted out his problems, he doesn't want a girlfriend, but he likes having you hanging around in the meantime.


You might consider not having any more contact with him so you can move on and stop wondering what he means when he says he doesn't want a girlfriend.

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