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Just a small question......

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here's a conversation I've been having with an ex of mine online:


Him- How have you been?

- alright.. and you?

- oh I alive... so, Was I that much of a dick the other night?

- a Huge dick. lol damn, are you that mad at me/

- no... I was just wondering... I was Kinda drunk

- ive seen you kinda drunk many times... usually youre just horny

- Thanx Love you 2!


So i guess i said something wrong... :[

What am i suppose to say to that??



Oh and thanks a lot for all the help with my parents!!

Things are definitely getting better

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Why are you even talking to your ex? Or seeing him, as your chat implies? He's your EX and if he's an ass when he's drunk - to the point he has to ask if he was a dick to you - that's even more reason to stay away.


I wouldn't worry about whether you said anything wrong or not. HE was the one who was, apparently, drunk and dick-like.

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