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Daily Inspirations for Women

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OK, I did not write these. However, they appear daily on the company Prayer Board under the title Daily Inspirations for Women. I call them "Reason's I'm Not a Christian".


If I followed this in my home (and keep in mind my husband Is a Christian) we would be living in a cardboard box. I know what the Bible says about this and I've read the scriptures - but I've also talked to some preachers who know that this was written with a slant of the society of the time and who do not believe they should be followed as Literal truth. They have told me that the husband should be responsible for maintaining the faith of the home with the wife's support. But the submissive stuff just doesn't hold water today and somehow I would think that God would recognize that. One part of the Bible says women should not hold jobs!




So, here are some tidbits -- what do you think?


You have many things to do, but your primary purpose and role each day is to help your husband, to share his responsibilities, to respond to his nature, and to wholeheartedly cooperate with him in God’s plan for your life together.




This mind-set, this servant spirit, helps you be more like Christ as you esteem others—especially your husband—as better than yourself (Philippians 2:3) and commit yourself to service.




One practical way you can try to help your husband by focusing on him and his responsibilities is by asking him two questions every day: “What can I do for you today?” and “What can I do to help you make better use of your time today?”




If there is no husband in your life today, you can nurture a heart of Christlike service as you focus on helping and serving other people. Whether or not you are married, serving other people in your life pleases God and shows Christ to the world.




In most families the wife is usually responsible for the morning schedule at home. And because she controls the schedule, she has the ability to make a family worship time happen—or not happen. If her heart is committed to service, she has the power to help her husband accomplish this goal and any other. Is yours a heart committed to service, specifically to serving your husband?



So how do you measure up as a helper? In your marriage, do you see yourself as a team player, free of any competitive actions, thoughts, or desires? Is your husband your primary career? Is helping your husband your heart’s primary concern and the main focus of your energy?


Have you committed your life and your heart to following God’s plan for you, His plan that you help and not hinder your husband? As we promote the well-being of our husband—and of other people God has placed in our life—our service glorifies God!


But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

1 Corinthians 11:3


Don’t be alarmed. The husband’s headship doesn’t mean we wives can’t offer wise input (Proverbs 31:26) or ask questions for clarification during the decision-making process. But the husband’s headship does mean that he is responsible for the final decision.



God’s desire for us—married or single, young or old—is to honor, serve, and subject ourselves to one another. We reflect Christ’s character as we move away from selfishness and, acting out of honor for other people, defer to them. A heart willing to submit, dedicated to honoring and yielding to others, is to be the heart of God’s people, His women, His church.




In the end, the husband is accountable to God for his leadership decisions and we are accountable to God for how we submit to that leadership. Our husband answers to God for leading, and we answer to Him for following.





Remember seeing things as a child like a stuffed “head” of a goat in a museum—only it had two heads! It was abnormal, grotesque, a freak attraction, a curiosity—and so is a marriage with two heads! But God, the perfect Artist, designed marriage to be beautiful, natural, and functional by giving it a single head, the husband. Thank You, Lord, that marriage is Your work of art!




The apostle Peter wrote the following words to help women…with unbelieving and/or disobedient husbands: “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word [from their wives], may be won by the conduct of their wives” (1 Peter 3:1). In other words, our submission to our husband—whether or not he is a Christian, whether or not he is obeying God—preaches a lovelier and more powerful sermon than our mouth ever could!



The one exception to following your husband’s advice… is if he asks you to violate some teaching from God’s Word. If he’s asking you to do something illegal or immoral, go to a trusted pastor and follow the counsel you receive there.

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I only remember the part "husband loves your wife like your own body, and willing to lay down your own life for your wife like Jesus Christ did for us"


Don't commit adultery

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Don’t be alarmed. The husband’s headship doesn’t mean we wives can’t offer wise input (Proverbs 31:26) or ask questions for clarification during the decision-making process. But the husband’s headship does mean that he is responsible for the final decision.


At one time within the last six months, it did occur to me to have his head stuffed and mounted above my fireplace mantle but I decided not to have the daily reminder...

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