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another one of those "i have a crush on a friend!" threads

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I don’t know if this is the right section to post this in since this isn’t any “friends with benefits” type of thing but here goes nothing.



I’ve had a crush on a friend for a while now. I don't want to act upon these feelings unless I’m sure that feelings are sort of mutual. There have been times where I would think to myself, "he likes me!" But then there are other times when I think he's just being a gentleman. I'm also thinking that the times when I do think feelings are mutual I'm seeing what I want to see. Anyway, I wanted someone else's opinion. And I apologize for the lengthiness of this.


-My friend moved to another city and when I was going to be in his town, he offered to let me stay at his place. The thing is, at that point in time, we weren't very close. I don’t recall ever hanging out together alone, we were always with other friends. I didn’t even tell him I was going to his city. I wasn't even expecting to see him when I was there let alone him inviting me to stay at his place.



-While there, we were out with a bunch of his guy friends one night and he pretty much ignored me the whole time.


-He took me around to places including, as I found out later through his friend, places he hated going to.


-When we went out to eat, majority of the time, he paid for me and wouldn’t take my money.


-When he’s back in town, I try to hang out with him but it doesn’t really happen.


-Whenever I contact him through email or whatever, he rarely replies back.



-He asked if I had ever met his family. When I met one of his sisters, she sort of knew who I was.



-The last time I saw him, he spent a lot of time sitting across from me and next to my friend and making conversation with her. I was so jealous. But while he was talking to her, he looked at me and asked me a really random question.


-Before he moved, whenever I ran into him I would just wave hi from a distance but he would always make an effort to approach me and initiate a conversation.


If this was high school, he would be the popular hot guy that all the girls like so he could get any girl he wants and I would be the plain jane average whatever girl.


So, if you made it through all that, what do you think? He’s just a gentleman because if he really liked me he would’ve done something by now and I'm looking waaaaay too much into these situations? Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking too.

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