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wow girl you sound so much like myself it is unreal. You see my late husband is an alcoholic. In august of last year he had an accident in which he killed his good friend due to alcohol. He could of got 25 years but instead he got a serious felon recovery program. But i can give him credit he is trying very hard to turn his life around. I can say he is a better man now then he has ever been. In that accident he was also hurt very bad. Not a day goes by that i or my little girl does not think about the man that eric killed. But also in that accident my little girl lost her dad and I lost the man that i loved. He will never be the same again. I was also married to a man that had a drug problem, needless to say that did not last long. Now look at me again. But this time this man is good to me. He is very good to my children. And i do love him. but i do have alot of decisions to make. And they are hard ones, And like you i am young (31). but i feel alot older. I can not possibly feel the pain of having someone take my child, because i could not bear that. Lady how you are making it through that i will never know, but i can say you are a very strong person, and you have all the respect i can offer and if there is anything at all i can do to help you just let me know. I really enjoy having someone like you that i can relate with. Women who are in our shoes or who have been there only think they have gone through it. But you made me realize there is alot of us out here. And in a way it is very comforting. Thank you so much for your ad vise and sharing your story with me. And i did mean what i said, if there is anything at all that i can do for you i am here. Please stay in touch. I look forward to our next conversation.

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