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What is it about older men for me?

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Oh man, I find that I have the hots for older men... at least 10 years older than me usually too. Especially if they are the beer chuggin (not beer-gut beer chuggers!), hooded sweatshirt wearin, camo wearin, hunting types that Illinois/Iowa produce. The guys that like to have a good time sitting in the back yard, throwing back a beer.:cool:


Its always a sexual desire that I feel towards these men and I am not sure why... they are nothing like my s.o. lol maybe it is a fantasy thing?:confused:


Ugh, lately I have been stuck on two guys that are in their 30s that both fit the description and I have both gotten drunk with recently... and let me add, getting drunk with them make the attraction even stronger lol


I just don't get why its older men... maybe its because I really can't stand guys my own age for the most part lol

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I’m in my 40’s and several times over I have had a woman in her 20’s approach me (usually after we’ve flirted a bit) and essentially tell me that she is attracted to me in part because I am an older man. Always, somewhere in there they’ll make some comment about not liking guys their own age.

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I'm assuming you are in your 20s. In 10 years you'll still like men in their 30s... and in 20 years too LOL I do have a "sexual preference" for men between 25 and 30 but that's ONLY sexual and I don't live by this.


When I was 18 I fell madly in love with a 26 year old man. Now that I am in my 30s myself, I tend to prefer same age or younger than me... but I never really displayed any kind of age-ism when it came to love. Have fallen for men between 15 years younger and 15 years older.

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I'm in my early 50's and I've been approached by women in their 30's and early 40's. It's weird: for me, real life is opposite the cliche of the old (or middle-aged) male lech salivating over some young chickadee.


By the way, my current girlfriend is 53.


I'm the one who's just not into substantially younger women.

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I liked men of their 30's while in my 20's, too. I think many guys in their 20's are still trying to act macho, etc and act immature compared to men in their 30's. Once men get into their 30's they tend to "grow up" a little and are more laid back. You are attracted to what makes them more "manly" than younger dudes.


I'm 30 now, and have been more attracted to men of their late 30's since I was about 28,29. But when they are getting into their 40's I get freaked out a little, it's not old but I remember when my parents were 40...ew


But there's nothing wrong with it or nothing abnormal about what your feeling.

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I agree w/Lovelace. I am in my twenties and in my experiences w/guys my age, they tend to act younger than me, i.e., being immature. I like older guys b/c I somehow feel that if they are older than me, maybe they will be on my level in the sense of maturity.

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