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FWB gone totally pear-shaped!

miniature giraffe

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miniature giraffe



so i started this FWB r'ship with this very cute but much younger guy. i think we were both pretty confident from the start it would never develop into anything more (read - feelings) because of the age difference. who knows what happened but that's exactly what happened.


we became a lot closer, and despite never actually having the tag "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" pretty much acted like that anyway.


but the age gap invariably became an issue for both of us, and we ended up fighting all the time. it was mostly me who would end it, but we'd always end up back in bed together and somehow things would end up right where they left off.


but this weekend he finally decided to call it quite for good. and i know he's serious this time.


thing is, i'm not sure i'm ready to let him go. all my friends keep telling me it's time to move on, same as what he keeps telling me, but i'm just not feeling that yet!! am i in denial? perhaps it's just the challenge of "wanting what you can't have" that's suddenly made him seem so appealing?


intellectually i know we can't give eachother what we both want and need, but it's just so hard. age aside, he is a top person, i have nothing but love and respect for him. it's just so hard.


is anyone else in or have been previously in a similar situation? if so what did you do?


i guess i should state now i'm pretty hopeless at breakups, and always end up doing the on/off thing for a while.


apologies in advance if this thread has been done before, i'm new here.


thanks :)

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so i started this FWB r'ship with this very cute but much younger guy. i think we were both pretty confident from the start it would never develop into anything more (read - feelings) because of the age difference. who knows what happened but that's exactly what happened.


we became a lot closer, and despite never actually having the tag "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" pretty much acted like that anyway.


but the age gap invariably became an issue for both of us, and we ended up fighting all the time. it was mostly me who would end it, but we'd always end up back in bed together and somehow things would end up right where they left off.


but this weekend he finally decided to call it quite for good. and i know he's serious this time.


thing is, i'm not sure i'm ready to let him go. all my friends keep telling me it's time to move on, same as what he keeps telling me, but i'm just not feeling that yet!! am i in denial? perhaps it's just the challenge of "wanting what you can't have" that's suddenly made him seem so appealing?


intellectually i know we can't give eachother what we both want and need, but it's just so hard. age aside, he is a top person, i have nothing but love and respect for him. it's just so hard.


is anyone else in or have been previously in a similar situation? if so what did you do?


i guess i should state now i'm pretty hopeless at breakups, and always end up doing the on/off thing for a while.


apologies in advance if this thread has been done before, i'm new here.


thanks :)


Did you fight because of the age difference or just because you're not at the same level 'intellectually'...


If you don't mind me asking what is the age gap? This also can make a difference.

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Are you in love with him? If so, you know that's the first rule of FWB, right? No falling in love with each other. :D Sounds like you're in love with him, otherwise it would be easier to let go.


I am trying to break things off with my FWB. I find that NC helps a lot.

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