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I have never had allergies before but you can develope them later in life. I have been waking up every morning feeling like I have a sinus cold and a sinus headache for two months now. It goes away after I shower and start my day. Sometimes the headache lingers. Besides, feeling like I have been run over by a truck when I wake up...the rest of my day is alright. Except I am really tired lately.


Is this a sign of allergies? My eyes dont necesarily burn until I start feeling way tired usually after about 6pm. And besides feeling tired all the sinus symptoms go away after about an hour or two.


I am going to go to the doctor soon but I just wanted to know if it may be as simply as spirngtime allergies.



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It does sound a bit like allergies. If you're sleeping with the windows open and waking up to feeling this way, you could have some airborn spring allergies...they are easily tested for if you go to an allergist.


Good luck!

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