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"treat them mean keep them keen"


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It was because they loved you or liked you already very much and thought they did something wrong. They probably wanted forgiveness.


When someone you care about says something bad to you you want him prove wrong. So you jump through hoops. Essential skill of saying to yourself "He/she is wrong about me but F@ck him/her anyway." is not easily obtained trait.


I can say it was pretty bad on your karma;)


LOL I don't believe in karma. Everyone has their share of good and bad in life and it has nothing to do with 'karma'.

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LOL I don't believe in karma. Everyone has their share of good and bad in life and it has nothing to do with 'karma'.


Bad for your conscience then?


Are you better now?

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green-eyed beauty
I think the key to keeping a woman is to always leave her wanting more and always make it conditional. There are some guys that give their all to a woman and will continue givin their all no matter how bad she treats him and a woman loses respect for a man like that. Like I say time and time again respect is the number one ingredient in a woman's attraction to a man so when she loses respect for a man she no longer wants him. My wife knows that if being with her becomes too much drama I will leave and I will throw her out on the street if she cheats. My prenup says that the betrayed spouse gets the house so it is conitional with me. Most men today just let women walk all over them.


I don't believe that treating a woman like crap just because she is talking to a group of girlfriends and they say something you don't like. Taking off and ignoring her is not a respectful way to handle when there are problems, that is really child games. The mature and respectful way to handle that would have been to tell her "Can we change the subject? This is getting to be a conversation I don't want to hear." Because I'm sure your friend isn't Mr. Perfect and said and did things that were not cool with her at times, either, and to just walk off and ignore for the rest of the evening, he would have been POed if he treated her like that. It's like giving the silent treatment which only causes pain and confusion instead of being honest and communicating directly the problem. Maybe she didn't think her convo with her friends was offensive....so, he tells her to please change the subject in respect to the men at the table, "problem" solved, no hard feelings. If he had really cared about her, he wouldn't have acted the way he did and made her feel hurt all night. Grown adults don't ignore each other in a normal relationship.

Also as far as the pre-nup, good luck having absolute proof that anyone cheated and the state I'm in that wouldn't hold water because it's a no-fault divorce state. Also, is the house paid for? Because if it's not, it's not like you'd "get" the house, you'd simply buy out her half of the house if she has any equity in it, and continue making payments, and if she has any equity in it anyway, she'd still get her half, cheater or not.

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If your boyfriend and his friends were spouting a bunch of misogynist crap in front of you would you want to sit there and listen to it? I doubt you would and we didn't want to listen to a bunch of manhating crap so we got up and left. The funny thing is she was kissing his ass the next day.


My wife has not payed a dime towards the house and the mortgage will be paid off this fall so the house is mine. I worked too hard to get this and too hard fixing it up and I am not about to give it up.

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green-eyed beauty

I've never really been in a serious relationship with a guy who said mysogenist crap. I went out a few times last winter with a guy who said he was bummed he couldn't get the Playboy channel on his Syrius Radio in his BMW that day on his way to work...also made some comments how he liked to go to the coffee house for lunch because all the cute college girls were there on their laptops (he's 41). Plus he had a beer gut and kept saying he liked his women stick thin. (I am not stick thin but am pretty satisfied with my figure.) While not mysogenist, I thought that was disrespectful and distasteful qto me so I knew we weren't a match so I just quit dating him. I wouldn't be compatible with a guy who spouted off mysogenist crap.

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I've never really been in a serious relationship with a guy who said mysogenist crap. I went out a few times last winter with a guy who said he was bummed he couldn't get the Playboy channel on his Syrius Radio in his BMW that day on his way to work...also made some comments how he liked to go to the coffee house for lunch because all the cute college girls were there on their laptops (he's 41). Plus he had a beer gut and kept saying he liked his women stick thin. (I am not stick thin but am pretty satisfied with my figure.) While not mysogenist, I thought that was disrespectful and distasteful qto me so I knew we weren't a match so I just quit dating him. I wouldn't be compatible with a guy who spouted off mysogenist crap.


He was not misogynist, he was an azzhole with a BMW :D


Misogynist is someone who hates women.

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green-eyed beauty

Maybe not misogynist perse, but in my experience many guys are like this. They say these comments to make the woman feel insecure, to make her feel as if she should be lucky he wants her. LOTS. So, if we're doing generalizations, this is my generalization on men in the dating world today.

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Maybe not misogynist perse, but in my experience many guys are like this. They say these comments to make the woman feel insecure, to make her feel as if she should be lucky he wants her. LOTS. So, if we're doing generalizations, this is my generalization on men in the dating world today.


Thats very good observation and reasoning.


Other purpose for this behaviour may be


Between friends it is common that they make fun of each other to the point of shooting each other down. Making deragoratory, witty comments. It says Im not afraid of you and I think you are good enough to take it as a joke. Only insecure peole get pissed off.


Girls do this too. Trying to find guys achilles heel - testing what is he made of. And they just try to shoot him down when they feel intmidated by him.


But it has limits. It should be fun for both. There is a line being rude, too personal or picking up on visible flaws is not fun. Only for the azzhole.

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