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am i right in thinking....

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Hi, I'm 26 years and have been in a relationship for 6 months with a girl that i worked with 3 years ago.


I was friends with her but was in a relationship myself and she was too with the same guy for 6 years and they have a 4 years daughter.


I know she wasn't happy with him and that she was cheating him a lot with different guys and didn't feel at all guilty.

Now we have a very sexual relationship, we make love or **** at least 2 times a day for the last 6 months. She is naturally witty and sassy and no man could ever say no. She is sexually adventuress and has a very high sex drive.


She assures me that she would never cheat on me and that I'm everything to her and she loves me.

She works weekend selling roses in bars and clubs to make ends meet as she has a daughter.

Lots of guys touch her an tell her she is beautiful. sher assures me that nothing will ever happen....

she makes a lot of weekly contact with the same guys and especially the doormen/bouncers.

I have been with her to do this selling (driving car for her and waiting her as we go to next bar) its not always possible that i can go with her as i work weekends too.

Anyway this one particular bar where i am unable to see the door as the car park is at the side. I was surprised to find that she was having a fine and dandy conversation with 2 of these doormen and she was flicking her hair and laughing and standing very close. one of these guys is just her type (as am i) When she came back to the car i confronted her and she said it was only 2 min conversation. I stood and watched (in secret) for over 10 min. she let slip that she knew this one guys name. and also that yes hes good looking and she could have sex him if she wasn't with me.

she always goes on the same route and has for months.


also i know that she hasn't informed those door men that she has a boyfriend as it never come up!!!!

I have only been twice with her and some times doesn't make as much money as she could. she leaves at 20.30 and returns home at 04.30 or even later 05.30 and once at 06.00, yet when i go with her we are home at 04.00


I have been confronting her all week and never she gives me the answer i would like to hear. she just says that he is not interested and i am stupid for accusing her. All men are interested in her as she is gorgeous.


should i trust her or try to catch her?


Other than this crap we are very happy Monday to Friday and spend a lot of time together, i cook a lot (I'm a chef) and i massage her ,we make love we go for walks, she tells me she loves me(not as often as i would like)

yet I'm so sure she is cheating me.

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