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well here goes this is my first postin as been plucking up the courage to post. My storey isnt that complex really. Moved to a different area around year and half agao and felt very alone and vulnerable. Anyway no excuses. Met a bloke through work and feel totally for him. YES he is married with one kid. I told myself all the time we were together that i could cope with it not working and him never leaving. We were only together four months and i feel abit silly compaired to some people on here who have been with their partners for years.


I guese I am just not over it at all and need advice. When i knew it wasnt going anywhere i ended it as i knew i couldnt be seconds forever. That was nearly a year ago and well it has been one of the worst years of my life. We have gone from meeting a couple of times and things happended that should not have. We have gone from periods of no contact to being '''' mates''''. Well on 2 occassions i have sed i cant be mates as i still love him .. But the last few months we have had limited contact, always by me making the effort and him not really bein botherd.


The latest is that he is working near where i live next week, all week, so i did something daft and sed he could stop, no sex, nothing just mates. He said he mite be temted, and could stay as he still had issues being mates.


I replied , with a nice tect seying ok.. do you want me to get rid of your number and forget mates as i know you are really happy and dont want to cause trouble. he did not reply. Really deep down i still love him and want to be with him and it hurts so much that he never wants to meet or never makes the effort.


shall i take his no reply as a yes and not contact him or what shall i do? i wish i could get over this. it is really affecting my life.. any advice would be welcomed

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