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Hello all, this post is more about venting and having any actual questions. I've been friends with this girl for the past 4 years, but only recently started to develop a bit of crush (I don't allow myself to become infautated). Over the course of the crush (last 4 months or so), we became closer friends, and developed a very flirty relationship (ie. joking around, touchy feely stuff), and I did enjoy spending time with her at school.


However, it dawned on me minutes ago while we're both at school that what I thought possibly could be heading towards a relationship probably wasn't. She mentioned to me that she got some notes from a "cute guy" in class and mentioned she should try and set near him in a very joking kind way, and while she's talked about previous relationships she's had before (nothing about intimate stuff) this is when it dawned on my that there is no way in hell i'm getting out of the friendzone here:confused:. Well I'm still going to be friends with her, perhaps I might need some more distance (I usally see her twice a week on campus). There are some questions I'm asking myself now like: should I have made a move earlier? Was this fruitless from the beginning? Should I have given her more signs that I like her? I guess I should just chalk this up to another life experience and move on.


Any thoughts or comments welcome!



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