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The sex lives of friends

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If you had a platonic friend of the opposite sex, would you be interested to hear about their sex lives? Is that something you could talk about or would it be a case of TMI?

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I have guy friends who bring up their sex lives from time to time. Usually in a joking sort of way, or if they want advice or have a question a girl might be able to answer they'll come to me about it. How comfortable I am with it depends on how good of friends I am with them. This one guy at work, Mike - I've known for more than ten years and he and I have over the years compared notes, joked, etc about our sex lives. Him I am comfortable with. Someone I hardly know, or just met who talks about their sex lives makes me a bit uncomfortable. I guess I'd feel that way about female friends too. Intimate details about sex if not in a purely joking context aren't something I talk about to people I don't know well (unless its online and at the LoveShack... haha!).

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Pink Amulet

I haven't had sex in such a long time I am purely living vicariously through the sex lives of both my male and female friends.


I might actually have to go out and find some one to have sex with if they stop talking to me about it.



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I think that's the difference. When my friend and I were both in relationships we could always talk about anything up to and including sex. Now she's having a fling with a boy and I haven't had any action in ages so it feels like she's rubbing salt in the wound. I need to get laid :(

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we toss around sex info all the time. even my brothers - we all give each other ideas about new things to try...

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I'm of a different spin. Discussing sex with a real life friend of the opposite gender isn't something I do, although I've got a number of male friends. This type of thing can lead to EAs and/or PAs, and FWBs, so I toe the line about this.


It's different for every individual though. If you're comfortable doing it without it affecting your friendship, good for you.

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It's different for every individual though. If you're comfortable doing it without it affecting your friendship, good for you.


Guess I'm just old-fashioned. I've never been one to kiss-and-tell. To me it's a matter of both privacy and decorum.

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If you had a platonic friend of the opposite sex, would you be interested to hear about their sex lives? Is that something you could talk about or would it be a case of TMI?


on the degree of friendship with that friend. Some friends I am comfortable sharing everything, some ...not so much... it really depends on how 'platonic' the friendship is and how open we are about our intimate life with this person... but it's never a TMI's case with good friends.

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Guess I'm just old-fashioned. I've never been one to kiss-and-tell. To me it's a matter of both privacy and decorum.


I'm with you... I don't talk about it. Unless asked my opinion. Then I am discrete as possible. I Believe in people privacy...my friends.. and whom ever they are seeing.


I also am not impressed with the guys who brag about banging some chick... they tend to be full of sh*t

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If you had a platonic friend of the opposite sex, would you be interested to hear about their sex lives? Is that something you could talk about or would it be a case of TMI?


I usually DO enjoy hearing intimate details about other people's sex lives, unless it's someone that I'm particularly fond of (sometimes). In that case, "Don't tell me about it unless I'm going to be a part of it."


I actually find it to be a bit of a turn on, because it captures your imagination so vividly.


All of this is assuming that this/these person/people is/are somewhat attractive and I wouldn't mind picturing them. :D

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Now she's having a fling with a boy and I haven't had any action in ages so it feels like she's rubbing salt in the wound. I need to get laid :(


God, I know that feeling too well. :( I've never had sex, and if you follow my recent posts, people are telling me left, right, and center to get laid A.S.A.P.


So if know of any women that wanna get laid, give me a shout. :p

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Teacher's Pet

Most of my closest platonic friends are of the opposite sex, and thankfully for my sanity, with one exception, most of them have no sex life. *chuckles*


Hey, if I can't get any, why should they? LOL:)


So I rarely have to hear:


"OMG it hurt so good...."


"I can't believe someone could be so hung...."


"I don't know when I'll be able to walk again...."


"OMG I rode him like a thoroughbred!"


"OMG....he cuddled after!"


It's the one exception that makes up for all the others, apparently, but it's funny as hell. :)



just wait til' I have a story to tell. LOL Major TMI-ness. :)

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Teacher's Pet
God, I know that feeling too well. :( I've never had sex, and if you follow my recent posts, people are telling me left, right, and center to get laid A.S.A.P.


So if know of any women that wanna get laid, give me a shout. :p


Wait your turn, son. A handsome guy like you shouldn't have a problem finding a willing partner.


Us old, grizzled, overweight bartenders need to step to the front of the pu**y line before nature takes it's toll even further. :)



11 months, 13 days since his last assisted orgasm.

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