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What does this mean

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Hi, can anyone help me with this problem? I started to see a girl a couple of months ago, we spent every day together we even went away for the weekend, when we got back from the trip, she finished the relationship because she said she was still in love with her Ex-boyfriend. A couple of days later she rang me and said it was a mistake and she wasn't, but she still wanted to be friends with me. Fine, we still proceeded to see each other every day and still be intimate but were officially still "friends" I was happy about this but I have met someone new and so has she. The thing is I'm totally fine about it but she still rings and texts me all the time to say how wonderful her new fella is, even going into detail about what shes up to. She even asks me questions about my new girlfriend, and i feel like its none of her business, but she does it all very friendly and all the time. What does all this mean? cause I havent got a clue!!!



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