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Do you have a peculiar turn-off (or turn-on)?

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Well -that just about covers the iceberg of turn-offs, for me -but there's a mountain I probably, could probably still go on about....

what about smelly feet?

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Smelly feet, Alpha, is on the list, too.


And -yeah- I agree with the OP, dating someone who has to say "Praise the Lord" in every other sentence would make the sex appeal wane for me, too!


Now -if I was finally giving in, and he was saying OMG! -well- that would be just fine.





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My Fair Katie

Turn offs:



-stereotypical southern accents (but only on men, go figure)

-stereotypical jersey accents (my husband is from North Jersey and never developed this accent, my mother in law on the other hand, ugggg)

-men who wear wife beaters


-judgmental men

-lack of a desire to learn


-messy men

-tall gym socks with shorts

-bad hygiene

-not caring at all how he presents himself to the world (not saying he has to be a fashion icon, but complaining because a wedding is formal and that means wearing a suit? get over it)

-quick to anger


Turn ons:


-loves dogs


-sense of humor



-smiles a lot

-willingness to try new things

-has a fulfilling life outside of me

-likes what he does

-knows how to dress for the occasion

-friendly and warm, naturally attracts people

-good story teller

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A more specific turn on for me is, sexy black panties and bra. garter belts with thigh high stocking black. Now that floats my boat.

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My Fair Katie
A more specific turn on for me is, sexy black panties and bra. garter belts with thigh high stocking black. Now that floats my boat.


Sigh, my husband once laughed at me over my garter and thigh highs. I'm afraid I'm far too embarrassed to EVER wear them for him again.

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Turn Offs:





Business man who seeks to run things like a business when shouldn't.


In love with themselves

No conscious


Hope I didn't leave anything out.

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My girl friend is convinced that she has ugly feet. As a consequence she always keeps her feet covered. But, you know, she can’t keep them covered always and every so often I get to see her bare feet. It makes her seem so naked. I’m not into feet, just hers.

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Sigh, my husband once laughed at me over my garter and thigh highs. I'm afraid I'm far too embarrassed to EVER wear them for him again.

Turn off: laughing at me, at something I'm sensitive about.


Turn on: laughing together in bed...

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But what if he speak gooder than write for you to still be fetishing his likablness?


Yes, indeed.


Actually, the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that men who are good writers and good debators, can also be manipulative and self-centered. The "real" men would do, instead of just say. They don't need great wording to cover up their real selves.


Of course, this is not a general trait, just what I've seen in my personal experience.


I guess in the end, I'm trying to see how he thinks, and that may be communicated either by speech, writing, or actions.



Other turn-ons:


- Takes care of me (not that I need to be cradled all the time, but you get my drift)

- Committed and sincere

- Is generous and kind

- Likes books and movies



Turn offs:

- Money-minded and calculative

- Mr. Know-it-all

- Argues the hind leg off the donkey, just for the sake of it

- Me-first attitude

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Turn Offs:



That's the best bit!?

No conscious
I don't know... I like it when they've passed out, and their arse is completely relaxed.
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I'm afraid I'm far too embarrassed to EVER wear them for him again.

Sounds like you might need therapy. You know what? I am really sensitive. Really, really sensitive. I can help. You can laugh at my penis. Then you can fearlessly show me your high thighs. I promise not to laugh.


And don't worry about my penis - it will grow on you.

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Actually, the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that men who are good writers and good debators, can also be manipulative and self-centered.

Debators? Is that short for something... are debators a cross between debaters and masturbators??

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Debators? Is that short for something... are debators a cross between debaters and masturbators??


I hate the English language.


Terminator and not terminater? Debater and not debator? Why?


To answer your question: No, I don't like men who wack off while debating.

Which is precisely what some men end up doing.



Sorry, Pelagic...this wasn't a personal attack. Really.

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Some more turn offs


Women who think Cosmo articles and Oprah and Dr Phil episodes are the answer to marital problems


Women who use the word patriarchy


Women who have bad taste in music

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I hate the English language.

Do you prefer the language of love? Are you fluent in its many nuances??

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Time to level the playing field...


#1 turn on:


women that actually listen...and let you speak.


There have been far too many times women have complained about their dates do nothing but talk about themselves. So yea, it's my turn!

There have been one too many times I've had to interrupt a girl talking so I can get a point across or at least say something. Ask them something simple and they will turn it into a manifesto. Conversations are a 2 way street! :)

Seriously though, any girl that knows how to listen when talking with me definitely scores brownie points!


#2 turn on:


women that knows how to treat a guy. yes, it's reverse now, no more about a guy that knows how to treat a lady. But still..should work both ways. A fine balance is needed, being selfish never helps, nor does a big ego.;)



Why arent these turn-offs? Well any guy with a healthy self-esteem could live without these short-term...w/o these in the long run, it wont last. :p

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My Fair Katie
Sounds like you might need therapy. You know what? I am really sensitive. Really, really sensitive. I can help. You can laugh at my penis. Then you can fearlessly show me your high thighs. I promise not to laugh.


And don't worry about my penis - it will grow on you.


I'm free next Tuesday at 5:00.

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OK, alpha's list gave me more ideas for yet more turn offs:


Men who nag me (my exH was the worst).


Men who want to spend too much time with me and get upset by the amount of time I like to spend alone.


Men who take me for granted (given that I am not too demanding of attention).


Cheapskates, including bad tippers and guys who haggle too much.


Wimpy doormat type guys.


Men who listen to Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, and (Sir) Andrew Lloyd Webber.


Men who are rude to salespeople and waitstaff.


Men with low sex drive and no imagination in that realm.


Men who don't want to understand how their car works and get ripped off by mechanics as a result (I am a motorhead, so I can't tolerate this).


Racists and xenophobes.


I know I'll think of more.:bunny:


Ok Lets see how i would do on ploywogs list?

1 I never nag it isa waist of time and effort.

2. I also need a great deal of space.

3. been known to take for granted but i do try to do better.

4. i do tip for service. good service good tip. i don't take poor quality food out on the waitperson. that is the chef and i will tell waitperson to convey my displeasure. waitperson is stilled on the service.

5. just don't mistake patcients tolerance for weakness and everything will be cool.

6. OK I do like the occasional musical. I happen to like live theater. But do not have the Phantom of the Opera CD . or Barbra or Celine. Got a pretty good collection of classic rock, blue, Jazz and some other odds and ends.

7. If your rude to me I will jump right back in your face. Other then that I'm a sweetheart.

8. hey I'm an artist I have a very active imagination. ;) Drive is still there now I just need someone to drive into so to speak.

9. i have called BS on more then one occassion. My Grandfather , my father were both mechanics and i had to learn how a car , boat, lawn mower worked or else! now if Icould only get my Motorcycle back together.

10. Live and let live, treat me right and I will do the same. I try to look at people for who they are not what they are.

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Turn ons: :)


Strong hands, gentle fingers...;)

Kind heart

Quick mind

Quick smile

Good sense of right and wrong


Has an urgent mouth (for my body)


Turn offs: :(


Doesn't have the above turn ons

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Good one Nicki.




In addition to Nickis turn ons are cute smile, and his name is Wonderboy :love:



turn off: a wedding ring (read: exMM. puke)

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Lady Aurora




Dishonesty/Chronic untruthfulness

Cruelty to people or animals

Racism/Ethnic hatred

Extremists (of any kind)

Severe Obesity

Bad odor

Heavy perspiration (as in people who sweat constantly)

Back hair




Strong quiet intelligence with a good sense of humor

A nice butt

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