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Started on the wrong end...

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Hello everyone -


Back in the beginning of this year, I met this girl in a bar through my best friend. She's his friend from work. I thought she was cute, but of course I didn't know her at all. That didn't stop me from getting her number and we text messaged a lot for the coming days and weeks until we finally scheduled a date. It went really well and some more dates followed.


Suddenly this one day, she acted all cold and told me that she didn't think it was gonna work out between us. That sucked so I backed off. I decided to make myself scarce and immediately stopped all contact. However I've met her few times since as she's my friends friend...actually we've met quite often in the past month or so...always in a group though.


For the first weeks after we first met again she acted all cold and didn't even speak to me. I have no idea why, but it looks like something I did to her that I don't know of. Well, let's forget about that because the past few weeks she's been getting more friendly and today we talk together almost the same way as when we were dating.


Of course I might be blinded by me feelings towards her and that's why I don't wanna make a move. I don't wanna be the ass who continues hitting on someone that doesn't want anything to do with you. That makes me think sometimes that I've started on the wrong end. Usually when I approach a girl and ask them on a date it does explode in my face some weeks or months later. When I've asked girls our that I really know, it usually lasts a lot longer, but of course there is always the chance of ruining a friendship.


I simply don't know what signals I should be looking for. Is she just being friendly? Does she maybe like me more now when she has gotten to know me better? I just don't know...there is though this one thing that I do know...


I had a drunk chat with a friend of her. Her friend told me that she does this every time she likes a guy. Gets really cold and scares them away. Usually they just disappear but I haven't disappeared completely as we've met since she told me that it wasn't gonna work out. I also know that this same friend of her told me that she talked a lot about me back when we w ere dating and that is unusual for her too. I can't have a chat with the friend now as she lives in another country and I don't know her all that much :)


So any advices will be appreciated....I really do like this girl...:love:

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After her telling you what she told you...I would wait for her to make a move. You will know it when/if it happens and it will not be vague. Don't give her the pleasure of rejecting you again. Go on dates with other girls and talk to her like just another friend (what she said she wanted anyway). You will become a challenge and show you are capable of controlling your emotions. People love challenges.

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