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what should i do???

soap opera life

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soap opera life

my boyfriend recently broke up with me because he liked me and another girl. he even cried over the fact that we did. two days later he was going to get back together with me, but the other girl got a hold of him and now they are going out. he told me he loved me still and that if i can stay his friend then we will probably get back together. we have been talking still and i can tell he still cares. he recently told me that he wasn't sure how much him and her were going to be going out. i love him very dearly. he was not only my boyfriend, but my best friend too. i am hurting really bad from this. should i just let go or should i stick with him and let him get it out of his system? or maybe there is another option out there. please tell me what i should do.





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my boyfriend recently broke up with me because he liked me and another girl. he even cried over the fact that we did. two days later he was going to get back together with me, but the other girl got a hold of him and now they are going out. he told me he loved me still and that if i can stay his friend then we will probably get back together. we have been talking still and i can tell he still cares. he recently told me that he wasn't sure how much him and her were going to be going out. i love him very dearly. he was not only my boyfriend, but my best friend too. i am hurting really bad from this. should i just let go or should i stick with him and let him get it out of his system? or maybe there is another option out there. please tell me what i should do. thanx, me I know it's really painful, but at least he told you what is going on, my advice is to let him do his thing,get it out of his system. And if your still available at the time, be his friend. If he left you for her the first time, he will do it again, and again, and you don't want to be a doormat.


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I agree with Michele. You both sound pretty young and neither of you probably know what you want. You should see other people as well. You can still be his friend if you want, but just don't get too hung up on him right now. Mr. Right could be waiting around the corner.

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