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Not sure what I should do.

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Ok, just to get this out of the way, i'm only a 16 year old guy. If you're going to say that I shouldn't be worrying about any of this stuff, then please, feel free to click the back button in your browser.


For any of you still there, I have a slight problem with one of my female friends at school. We've known each other for awhile now, but we never really talked much, that is, until we had Spanish together. I sat right next to her, and we became good friends. She's not the smartest, but I've been helping her with some of her classes and she's been getting decent grades. She is with the "popular" group or whatever you want to call it. She is also very beautiful. Then we come to me... I'm a straight-A student, but I am in no way a nerd, geek, or anything else that falls in with those. I'm good friends with a lot of the popular people, but I'm not classified in that group usually.


Anyways, now that you have some background info, I'll talk a bit about the actual problem. After class every day, I would wait for her and walk her to her locker, which a few times, resulted in me being late to my next class. She said, every day, that she thought it was really sweet, or cute, or nice that i would do that. Towards the end of the year, our conversations became a bit more personal. We would talk about what was going on in each others personal lives, and occasionally offer advice. Then one night, we were talking on Yahoo, and the conversation turned to love life. She said that she likes everything about me. (She didn't say exactly that, she said some qualities that she liked, all of which I had). I'm not sure what to do from this point. Should I take that as a hint and try to move the relationship past friendship, or should I leave it at a platonic level? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


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The only way to know is to ask her out, not like as your GF but on a date. Good luck!

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First, I would like to thank you for your reply.

And yes, that idea has crossed my mind. I was hoping to get some opinions about whether or not that might have been a hint or not before i jump in. I guess you could say I'm trying to "look before I leap."


Thanks again,



Any comments or suggestions still greatly appreciated.

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Does anyone else have any advice?? Please.. I really don't want to screw up again. I've made mistakes before in situations like these, and I really don't want to lose this friendship.

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In my experience its best to just bite the bullet and ask her out outright. (Make it something friendly to begin with like coffee, then progress with time.)


You can leave it as a secure friendship, or take that risk of messing it up and damaging the rleationship a little, it all depends on whether or not you are content to have her as a friend or want more from her.

(I've put dents in budding friendships by misinterpreting as well, its a risk you often have to take.)


If she says yes, go with it my friend, a date can be an excellent proving ground. She sounds like she is interested in you, (But like all things you can never be sure until you fully find out. Unfortunately thats not going to happen until you test the waters.) but might be waiting for you to make the first move.


Good luck.

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