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i love him to bits...i want to be with him...but i duno if i do...and if i do there isnt much point cos we are going to uni...and if i go to uni having left our friendship as it is...will i regret not doing anything..probably..and will i be jealous if i see him at christmas and he has a new girlfriend...probably...but i duno if i want to be with HIM or whether i want to be with someone...!!


its driving me MAD!



ooook...lets explain..


january this year, my male mate greg told me that he had fallen for me, at the time i didnt feel the same way (i think hes the most amazing guy in the world, and i love him to bits...but im not physically attracted to him..which makes me sound really shallow..but most people will agree there has to be somesort of physical attraction for a relationship to work.) and i just wanted to stay as friends.


obviously he was a little disappointed,:( but he said that was cool, he just felt a whole lot better for getting it out in the open.


over the past 5 months since he told me he liked me, we have gotten really close, and i would say that now he is my best mate. :D obviously my feelings for him have also gotten stronger, and everyone at skl says that we are an 'unofficial couple' lol. having denyed any feelings since he told me..and now realising that i do have feelings for him, im REALLY confused about how i feel!:confused:


before hand, his looks really put me off entering a relationship, but i love him for who he is and my heart wants more than just a friendship, and i just want to be openly close to somebody and look after them and treat them. :love:


NOW THIS IS THE DILEMA..i want to be even closer to him..and i want to be in a relationship...BUT i duno if i want a relationship with him..or whether i generally want to be involved in a relationship with someone.


also...we are both going off to uni next year, and we are gona be 6 hours train journey away from each other, so it would be difficult to keep a relationship going with meeting hundreds of new people at uni, and the distance.


we spent an evening together a few nights ago, where we cooked together, he offered to wash up for me, we watched two movies..and chatted till nearly 2 in the morning. which was so relaxing and fun, and i felt completely comfortable with him.


we have decided that we need a chat about 'us' and he said that i need to explain to him how i feel...but i just dont know how i feel!!


help? :eek:

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