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Guy Friend

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So I am great friends with this guy. He flirts a lot with me. He calls me everyday for the past couple months. Sometimes 5 times a day. Well, we are out one night in the bar, and my best friend, bless her heart, starts ridin him hard about what his intentions for me were. He told me he was fine with the way things are and we should leave them that way for now. Shot down! I was hurt and confused. I thought for sure, he would of told her that he liked me in "that way"


So after that night, I figured our friendship was out the window, I felt horrible that it came out that I liked him more than a friend.


I was completely embarrassed. I did feel that he was owed an apology for her behavior because I felt bad that we were out and he was being attacked about whether or not he liked me liked me. So I gave him the apology.


Well he calls and tells me what a blast he had that night and blah blah. So since that night, he still continues to call me everyday.


I am not too sure how I feel about this. One day I feel great because we still have our friendship and then the next day I am mad because everything he has said to me in the past led me to believe he wanted more!


Then he denies it to my friend. Which made me look like a liar by the way LOL!


I am on the verge on doing NC with him but I can't let go of the calls everyday.


My girly friend said maybe I was the one reading too much into it. I guess I was since he obviously don't feel the same, but I can't help but think that maybe he does but he is scared of something?


So my question is this, why does he continue to call me so darn much if he ain't interested in more. I don't talk to my best friend every single day, and more than once a day. She don't call me early mornings to tell me about her night, nor does she call me to see how my day went. We talk a couple times a week, see each other maybe once a week.


I like him enough to wait this out, but it really is doing damage, if I could just like him as a friend, I would, trust me! I am having a hard time controlling my feelings for him. So much so, I have agreed to go out with my EX tommorow night. Eeek! I just feel like I need that special attention right now to make me feel better, and I will get it from my EX. Which I guess isn't waiting this out with my guy friend. I don't know, I am so darn confused.


I cannot read this guy for the life of me. So I rather have no contact and save myself the hurt!

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