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I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years and we live together. I love him to death. But last weekend we went to a party together and both got really drunk. We were both jealous of the other person. Only I was so drunk I only remember bits and pieces of the night. He now believes I may have cheated on him and is furious with me. I know I really screwed up, but whatever I say to him only makes him madder. What should I do?

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Find a more understanding boyfriend with an imagination that doesn't run irrationally wild.


Since he has no direct evidence or grounds to believe you cheated on him...at least you didn't say he did in your post...his suspicion is unfounded. Is there a reason you would want a boyfriend or partner who is that crazy?


Is there a reason you want a boyfriend or partner who gets more and more angry the more you try to communicate with him?


Relationships are hard enough. But when you're with a paranoid, untrusting baxtard who doesn't want to communicate effectively and participate in sane conflict resolution, you're moving through life with both hands tied behind your back.


So you really love this guy? True love does not get jealous....and it takes a lot more than love to make a relationship work anyway.

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I've learned that true love is totally pure...like a child....


Anger, hurt, pain, jealousy, fear, etc. are results of love.


You can't love without having hurt or pain...bc if you didn't love...you wouldn't care.

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