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Worry Wart-Message to Guys Especially

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Worry Wart-Message to Guys Especially

I went out on Friday with someone I met a week ago through a mutual friend at a club I went to to meet a promoter about a job Platform Dancing in a dance club. We hit it off really well. He is very sweet and fun and works a lot.


I met him at his job and we left really late to go out.


Upon getting back, it was so late I fell asleep in the car and since I lived a distance, he offered me to crash at his place. I did, and then things started to happen. He never pushed himself on me. When he brought up sex, I told him it wouldn't be right because I haven't even known him that long. He was o.k. with that. We did everything but that.


Q: Did that put me in a decent light since I said that and also about our previous conversations about me not liking to dress to skimpy when working as a dancer because I don't strip and it isn't me. I am a prof. dancer. WOuld he see me as a bit more conservative and maybe just more mature since I am 2 year older? Or did I make myself look bad in his eyes and go too far?


He asked me to come see him that night at the club. I had picked up some medicine for him becuase he wasn't feeling well. I joined him later at the club and guys would hit on me as I am at the bar and I would blow them off. I was getting irritated at them and he saw it. I was there for him. He came over in concern at the end of the night and we walked out together and he thought I was coming over but we didn't discuss it so I had no change of clothes, and I had to get up early so he gave me a kiss and I went home.


Q: WOuld he have asked me to come that night if he thought different of me respect wise? He introduced me to some friends too.


I also left a message that night thanking him for a wonderful time and then the next morning had to leave him a message about something I couldn't remember the other day that I had to tell him-minor( group at his job that my friend knew) and told him that the drunk guy he saw irritating me I didn't know worked with him and I didn't know until someone else he worked with mentioned something and drunk over heard me and said he worked with my friend.


I was rude to him ealier becuase he kept asking what was wrong because I wasn't smiling-just to get rid of him I said I was MAD at my BOYFRIEND -key words to get rid of him as I gave him attitude. Well he started telling the other 2 people that I was mad at my boyfriend- I explianed to them but on the message briefly told him if drunk remembers and says anything, I said that to get rid of him-the only one I was mad at was drunk guy and that way he isn't clueless of what the guy was talking about.( That way I didn't want him to think I was considering him my boyfriend already and scare him off. )


Q: It doesn't sound that way -like I considered him my boyfriend by saying that does it? THe fact that guys were trying to talk to me , is that a turn off? BUt, is it a turn on that I blew them off? At one point he told 2 guys to leave me alone(his sister he said since he was working).


He watched.


Bottom line-are these any reasons for him not to call me?


I really like him and want to see him again-did I blow it?


Please help.


Q: Was that alright?

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Worry Wart-Message to Guys Especially

P.S. I forgot to mention he was working at the club when I went there, at the bar.


Would he have expected to see me that night if he wasn't interested or did he just not have enough time between hours to make an opinion about me since we spent that whole next day together before he went to the club?

I went out on Friday with someone I met a week ago through a mutual friend at a club I went to to meet a promoter about a job Platform Dancing in a dance club. We hit it off really well. He is very sweet and fun and works a lot. I met him at his job and we left really late to go out. Upon getting back, it was so late I fell asleep in the car and since I lived a distance, he offered me to crash at his place. I did, and then things started to happen. He never pushed himself on me. When he brought up sex, I told him it wouldn't be right because I haven't even known him that long. He was o.k. with that. We did everything but that. Q: Did that put me in a decent light since I said that and also about our previous conversations about me not liking to dress to skimpy when working as a dancer because I don't strip and it isn't me. I am a prof. dancer. WOuld he see me as a bit more conservative and maybe just more mature since I am 2 year older? Or did I make myself look bad in his eyes and go too far? He asked me to come see him that night at the club. I had picked up some medicine for him becuase he wasn't feeling well. I joined him later at the club and guys would hit on me as I am at the bar and I would blow them off. I was getting irritated at them and he saw it. I was there for him. He came over in concern at the end of the night and we walked out together and he thought I was coming over but we didn't discuss it so I had no change of clothes, and I had to get up early so he gave me a kiss and I went home. Q: WOuld he have asked me to come that night if he thought different of me respect wise? He introduced me to some friends too. I also left a message that night thanking him for a wonderful time and then the next morning had to leave him a message about something I couldn't remember the other day that I had to tell him-minor( group at his job that my friend knew) and told him that the drunk guy he saw irritating me I didn't know worked with him and I didn't know until someone else he worked with mentioned something and drunk over heard me and said he worked with my friend. I was rude to him ealier becuase he kept asking what was wrong because I wasn't smiling-just to get rid of him I said I was MAD at my BOYFRIEND -key words to get rid of him as I gave him attitude. Well he started telling the other 2 people that I was mad at my boyfriend- I explianed to them but on the message briefly told him if drunk remembers and says anything, I said that to get rid of him-the only one I was mad at was drunk guy and that way he isn't clueless of what the guy was talking about.( That way I didn't want him to think I was considering him my boyfriend already and scare him off. ) Q: It doesn't sound that way -like I considered him my boyfriend by saying that does it? THe fact that guys were trying to talk to me , is that a turn off? BUt, is it a turn on that I blew them off? At one point he told 2 guys to leave me alone(his sister he said since he was working). He watched. Bottom line-are these any reasons for him not to call me? I really like him and want to see him again-did I blow it? Please help. Q: Was that alright?
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