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I don't know

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I have been seperated now for almost two years we have a two children a thirteen year old boy and a eight year old girl. We seperated after 14 years of marriage because of infidelity. I am not mad about that because we got married at age 19 both and I feel we did good to survive 14 years. We have been thru alot the death of a middle child and almost the death of our daughter, so you know she is spoiled just as our first born.


At thirty something he decided that he wanted to join different clubs and be in the click and that was okay with me for a while but things started happening. To make a long story short. I found a text message and I asked him about it and he couldn't deny it. I left with my children. Two years later we are trying to raise our children still being together whatever ever now and then. He pays childs supports faithfully, but will not help me with a divorce or go to mediation with me.


I have to say he is a good father I can not take that away but my felling I can't fathom. Am I really in love with him still or am I trying to keep the peace for my family?

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