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best friends in love?

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Hey guys,


I'll try and keep this short. Ok, so about 2 and a half months ago me and my friend brittany hooked up (no sex) twice. Since those 2 times we have become good friends (she says im her best friend). I should probably add that we both go to the same college. Right now we are on our summer break. On saturday I went to visit her and spend the night at her place. Well on Saturday night, one thing led to another and we ended up having sex. During sex, she said that she loved me, and I said it back because i actually do love her. After I left I kept getting this feeling that maybe she said that she loved me in the spur of the moment. So today I asked her if she felt wierd about what happened. She said that she did but that she didnt want to let what happened ruin our friendship which I can understand. We talked about it for like half an hour. She told me that I am her best friend and that she has other feelings for me but doenst want thing to be ruined. I understand that right now we will not be anything more than friends. I guess what I'm trying to ask is...Is it a good thing? Should I have any hope of being anything more than just good friends? Or is it unlikely that things will ever turn into more?


Also, would you say that she is struggling with this whole thing as much as I am?


Thanks in advance guys.

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Sounds to me like she does have feelings for you but is confused by them for some reason.


The only answer here is to talk to her about it. I simply can't guess what's going on in her mind. It's true that sometimes people get carried away during sex, but I personally have never said something that wasn't already on my mind (even if only subconciously).

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yea, i talked to her about it and she said that she really did mean what she said. But she also told me that she was nervous, so maybe she is just scared a bit about having stronger feelings for me.

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Maybe you can try taking her on a date... no sex, just some nice times out but different than when you were just friends. See how that goes, see how dating eachother feels.

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thanks BonneKarma...im feeling a little bit better about everything. Yesterday i was freaking out. But then i realized that she never said that nothing would ever happen between us, so I'm just gonna have to go with it and if its meant to happen then it will :) Any more advice!?

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