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Another Complication

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I went to the doctors for my condition (rather not say and I'm fine) to ask

questions about having children and some other things. I wanted to make sure just in case I did.


Well he advised me that I can but complications would arise.

The main reason is that my condition would have a 50/50 chance of getting worse. Right now I'm fine and has come to a hault. You wouldn't even know I have it unless I told you. Been like that for almost 10 years.


Anyway When I met my H I told him about it and he didn't care.

He knows everything and yes he knew there was a chance of it starting up again whenI get older but it's controllable.

But what I didn't know is that it was going to affect having children.


When I was in my teens my parents and I were told that it wouldn't and not to worry about it.

Now I'm being told different. WTF???? My doctor even gave me another damn specialist to see who deals with people with my condition during pregnancy. Oh joy...no normal one for me. Even started saying some things that really freaked me out.


So anyhow I don't know what to do. I don't want to have any because of the things that may arise. And then on the other hand I want to because I did some research and no one has had any problems that weren't already there. But being my luck I know I would.


I haven't told him yet because I'm afraid of what he'll say.

I know he wanted to have his own but I don't think I can do that for him.

I just don't know what to do. Things would be different if it was

both of us but it's not.


I don't want him to leave but I understand if he did. Shoot I know

people would. Even on here people have said they get turned off

by it and just leave. I understand why now.


Ugh...I don't feel very well.


Any comments?

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I think I can assume what you have, and I doubt very much your H will leave you because of it.


You need to talk to him about ALL your fears, about being pregnant, your insecurities, and weigh the chances of the good/bad of being pregnant etc..


Try not to worry too much. And, keep talking to your Dr, and the specialist.

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You need to talk to your H about this. It's quite likely that he'll suprise you with his support. Adoption can be a beautiful thing.


Without knowing what your condition is, it is hard to understand what the risks are. Even in your post you seem to go back and forth with wanting to take on those risks. I would recommend going to talk to the specilist that your doctor recommended just to learn more about the risks involved. I'm sure that you will not be the first patient that wasn't actively trying to conceive that just wanted info.


Good luck!

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Just like what the others have said, you need to communicate with your H about these things that you have shared with us. Unless he is an a$$, then I don't see him leaving you because of this.

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Thanks for the reply's.


Yeah it's obvious but I'd rather not say. Nothing personal. :)


Yeah I am going to tell him don't worry.


But for a little rant this wasn't suppost to happen. It was suppost to be something I never had to deal with. I mean what the f**k? Guess I shouldn't have complained about having nothing to do. Yeah I got something to do now.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


I have weighed my options out and it sucks either way.


You know I should have fixed this crap years ago I knew it I just freaking knew it....ugh...I don't even care anymore.


Whatever I should be use to this by now. It's not like I should have expected something different. Living in a fools world thinking otherwise.

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sorry for last post

It's fine. Don't worry about it. But if you do have questions go to the section questions and comments. You'll find what your looking for and others too.


I know this is off topic but I was helping someone out because he doesn't have PM access. He's new.

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Don't make any decisions until you talk to the specialist. A second opinion from someone who is very experienced medically with your specific issue might give you more perspectives to consider.

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Ok I guess I'm coming off wrong here so I'm sorry for confusions I caused.:o


My orginal doctor is my specialist. I'm going to see a different one that deals with something different. I like to call her specialist 2 doctor #4 1/2. :laugh: She wants to do some pre thing so yeah that will suck. But I can't get in for 2 months because their booked. :eek:


Anyhow, I did the most lowest thing and told him over the phone.:o He's out of town so I would of had to wait until tomorrow and I couldn't come up with anything to give me more time. Plus he asked.


I wouldn't say he freaked but he wasn't all happy and gitty about it. But were going to have problems with this I know it. Mostly because I prefer to do this alone. Always have but now I can't.


So instead of me being drug through thorns (which is fine), he is too. Just freaking wonderful.


You know actually I should have never of gone and just went in it clueless. Everything would have just been fine and I could have just dealt with it as it came along.:mad: So I guess I can add that to my list of f**king mistakes.


Sorry I know I'm going back and forth.


Ugh...I'm going to bed.

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