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Have that Gut Feeling Again

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Can any one help me... I have been cheated on in the past and had the gut feelings. Now I'm having it again with my current boyfriend, he is still telling me he loves me and is over my house all the time but I do get mad everytime he goes out. I haven't had any of the normal clues....Phone numbers, lipstick, or secrecy but I still ask alot of questions which is driving him nuts. Am I just going on my past experiences or is my gut telling me something?

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YOU ASK: "Am I just going on my past experiences or is my gut telling me something?"


That little voice inside of you, your intuition, is seldom wrong. There's a guide inside us all that, if we listen to it faithfully, will always stear us correctly.


In your particular case, you may be leaning on trusting something that sounds like your inner voice just because you've been screwed over so bad in the past. If you keep pounding your boyfriend with questions and driving him nuts you'll lose him for sure.


My advice is to hold off, relax as much as possible and see if your feelings continue. If they do, you can't live with those no matter whether he's cheating or not. When you're around that someone special, you have to feel good about it. That's why we fall in love...because of the way we feel when we're around somebody.


If you continue to feel like he's cheating, it's immaterial whether he's doing it or not. You simply cannot continue seeing him if you don't trust him.


In the future, if this happens with every guy you go out with you may need some counselling to heal yourself of emotional injuries from past betrayals. They are very hurtful and they can stick to your gut for many years and muddy your perception of reality to the point of misery. Don't let that happen to you.

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