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Re: Thanks- Check this out!

Wiser Woman

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I'm not sure any thanks is due to me - just expressing what can happen when sexual intimacy levels in a relationship aren't compatible or change over time.


I checked out Dr. Love's site (it has to be the slowest loading site in the world!) and saw her answer to your post. Sound advice it seems to me. If you and he can work things out BEFORE marriage, WONDERFUL! If not, you deserve to have the relationship and marriage you want - don't settle for less because it WILL come back to haunt you.


I always thought "Oh well, I can live without it and the older I get, the less the desire I will have" - well, surprise me! I'm 46 almost 47 and feel like my own sexuality is finally and really kicking in and I have no where to go with it unless I seek something outside of my marriage which is not going to resolve anything in my marriage - just make things worse.


So don't be me and bury your head in the sand. Sooner or later you have to dig yourself out and it will be a painful, debilitating process. I know because I am now at the point where I have to dig myself out and I do not look forward to in any possible way. Much pain is on its way for me and my husband and I would not want to see anyone in the same position - not knowing if it can be resolved, if the desire is there to resolve it and what the end result will be. Keep us posted and let us know what happens.

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