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Am I Insecure or Is My Gut Telling Me To Open My Eyes

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I've been dating my girlfriend karen for 3 years...for 2 1/2 of the three years we've been together we have Lived' together in my house.. up until 6 months ago things were perfect...we were both happy.. enjoyed each others time and made love frequently.. i had planned on asking her to marry me and have children with her and make a future for the both of us



then things slowly changed..fighting increased..her moods have become more and more negitI've..then about 4 months ago she went away on bussiness trip to florida with her company and since that day both emotionally and physically she has turned cold towards me..I've had talks with her about this she blames it on the stress of her job and that she is " too tired" to have sex..but its not even the sex that concerns me as much as the way she acts towards me she used to love just holding hands kissing cuddLivedng being cute..all of which is completely non-existant now....


now im left with multiple senarios running around in my head as to why this happened and where its going to leads us..


i find my self questioning her faithfullness to me on both her trip to florida and her everyday Livedfe. i dont Livedke feeLivedng this way i beLived've if i can not trust someone then i shouldnt be invol with them and up until recently i have never questioned my trust in her or this relationship but deep inside my gut and my heart i cant help but find my self awash in a sea of doubt and i want to be sure this isnt me being insecure..i just need to know from someone whos been here before if the actions and vibes she has been trowing off are that of someone whos been unfaithful..


i have no concrete proof that she has cheated on me but there are things that dont add up and make me think even more so that there is something going on to cause her to act this way towards me she works in a mostly male company and has one close male friend named steve..steve used to work with her at her old job and once she left she got him hired at her new job..steve isnt someone she knew for a long time she met him threw working at her old job..so it struck me odd that she would bring him to work at her new job...steve was on the trip to florida which wouldnt have bothered me till i found out the week affter they got back that steve and his girlfriend broke up prior him going to florida..add this to her spending more time at work and spending more time when at home on the phone with steve or on the internet with steve then spedning time with me or talking to me


..it leaves me feeLivedng as if im just the idiot that pays to feed her and put a roof over her head..while she dates him behind my back


to add to that recentlyin the middle of her sleep she has mentioned another guys name..late one night i was awake watching tv and over heard her saying the name chris in her sleep..she works with two chris's who she also oes out to " work related" dinners with we had a huge fight over it and she never did explain it..just Livedke every other time i try to talk to her about my feeLivedngs on this she just changes the subject and puts it off till i forget about it


i love my girlfriend very much and i dont want to have this hanging over the relationship we have but something is there and i can not figgure it out..im lost here i find myself upset everyday its taking its toll on me... i need some advice as to what i should do because the only options i know are to keep Livedving the way i am or just end it walk away and start new with someone else..i know ultimately i need to be happy even if i am alone but i dont want this to come to that...i want to be sure im making the right decission and not making a stupid mistake cause my own insecurities..anyone who feels they can help me please feel free to respond



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You shouldn't have to go through something like this. Have a serious talk with her about everything that's going on. Sounds to me like she could be cheating. FIND OUT!!

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If you don't feel good being around her...if you don't feel special...if you don't feel loved...if you no longer feel like you are an important part of her world...let her know. If you keep feeling like this, there is no point whatsoever in staying with her.


The trust issue is a whole other matter. If you don't feel good about the relationship and you don't trust her as well, you are nuts to stay in this. First, see what she has to say...but don't try to drag this out a long time. If things can't get corrected through communication, it's time to depart.

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