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what do i Do now?

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Me and my husband have been married for over 4 years and have a 2 year old son. Our marriage has been rocky from th estart and things just got worse. So much so that we could barely speak civilly to each other. About 4 moths back I got into an affair with a friend of ours on whom I was leaning on emotionally. He is a very close friend of my husband's too. Anyway I ended the afair and have not been in touch with the guy. my husband and me had a talked about our marriage and the problems we were having some time back and have both been trying to put things back to a normal state and believe me we are more happy now than anytime in the past.


Guilt at what i have done is eating at me. And now when i think of it it was so meaningless. I have not told my husband about my affair that had happened. But i have been looking for help. A lot of advice columns that i have seen suggest that u tell your spouse and start afresh.


What should i do? I dont want to lose my new found happiness and now that both me and my husband have genuinely started working at our marriage...Is that selfish on my part? I am very confused, feeling very guilty because i know taht no matter what i have done wrong.

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